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Driving with "Due Regard" for others

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Perhaps we should listen to a fortune cookie "fortune" someone posted in my office (was there before I arrived, so wasn't me): [marq=left:8e2af96431]

"Before asking how am I doing, ask if I am doing right."
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Am I missing something in this article? It never stated if there was a light or a stop sign. I don't stop at green lights in my personal vehicle do you? If he blew the light or a stop sign then its 100% his fault. Which I assume would have been mentioned in the article.

Everyone jumps to the conclusion that this must be some whacker with no regard for personal safety, and disregard for traffic laws. I have been hit many time while responding to calls. Thank GOD no serious injuries have resulted. That however is the nature of the job. When you wok in an area where you cant get two miles in traffic without responding, it is a necessary evil. I use my lights and sirens to move people along, to alert them to the presence of an emergency vehicle approaching. I don't drive like a asshole that thinks he has a license to break every law in the book.

Accidents happen, they are unavoidable. If this truly was an accident.

If he was just knucklehead on a joyride then he has to deal with the consequences.

I will reserve my opinion till the full story surfaces, if it does.

Wow!! Ok, I could not let this one go by without comment.

First, accidents do not just happen and yes they are avoidable.

Hence the reasoning for changing the term to MVC as in "crash" and not MVA as in "accident". Possessing this kind of mentality is dangerous and does a great diservice to your personal safety as well as your partners, and the people on the road around you.

What a great way to start the day by saying, "accidents happen, they are unavoidable and this is an acceptable risk to my daily life". This thought process is absolutely ridiculous! Sorry if I am going off here but how can anyone have this type of thought process and be ok with it, especially in our line of work??

I also find it amazing that you have been hit "many times". This again is your fault as much as it is the person who hit you. You did not anticipate or maintain situational awareness. I have avoided many crashes by anticipating others behaviors and modifying my own behavior when behind the wheel. Somewhere along the line, there was no accident, only a conscious decision or oversight that allowed yourself to be in a position to be hit or to hit someone. This is usually a result of complacency or the "I own this road" syndrome exhibited by many rescue workers.

It is possible to avoid crashes by simple thought modification followed by always practicing safe actions. No, I am not naieve enough to think this will work 100 percent of the time because you can not account for the other driver , but you can anticipate them most times and change something within your own behavior which will avoid a crash.

For example, even with a green light in emergency response mode, I never blow through it like I have the right of way. I swivel and look for others that may be running the red light. No, I dont have to stop, but letting off the accelerator gives me more reaction time should someone be runnning the light.

I have driven in some very dense traffic and employed the many safe driving practices that I am aware of and have avoided being hit. Early in my career, I was involved in some crashes which were a direct result of my behavior, I even caused some crashes due to my behavior. All of that was many years ago and since makiing some modifications and adjustments in my thought processes, I have managed to avoid future crashes.

So please, think safety! It is never ok to accept "accidents" as an expected part of or nature of any job. They can be prevented and the employees should be instructed as to such. It is so ignorant and disheartening to hear a fellow EMS'er say "oh well, this is just part of the job".

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All accidents are avoidable. You sound like a claims adjuster or management.

Have you not spent enough time in this field to know that no one has the control over the actions of others. I see it on a daily basis. People make decisions every day that affect others in a negative way. Its uncontrollable, its the reason why you and I and everyone else on this board has a job. I can only assure that I am doing what I can to ensure my safety and the safety of others. I can hope to be able to predict the actions of others while I am driving. That isn't always possible an never controlable.

Akflight wrote:

Possessing this kind of mentality is dangerous and does a great diservice to your personal safety as well as your partners, and the people on the road around you.

Not as dangerous as believing you have the ability to control the actions of others.

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AK, it is regrettable that bad things happen to good people. I feel you are saying accidents should not happen (emphasis is mine). I agree, but part of our collective job is to minimize the number of times it happens, especially to us.

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People make decisions every day that affect others in a negative way. Its uncontrollable, its the reason why you and I and everyone else on this board has a job. I can only assure that I am doing what I can to ensure my safety and the safety of others. I can hope to be able to predict the actions of others while I am driving. That isn't always possible an never controlable.

He's not talking about the actions of others. He's talking about YOUR actions. By failing to take due caution at an intersection -- red, green, or otherwise -- YOU are being unsafe. And yes, YOU are totally in control of whether or not you slow down and/or even stop at that intersection before proceeding. Blame it on the other guy who ran the red light if you want, but YOU gave him the target, and YOU are the one who gets run over. Being "right" is no consolation when you are dead.

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And how is slowing down at a green light not detrimental.

Did I not state in my first post the precautions I take while driving.

I was stopped at a red light a few years back and some drunk asshole rearended me doing fifty miles an hour. Is that avoidable? Is that controllable. Me making abrupt movements to avoid him, wouldn't have compounded the situation and caused more chaos, and undue injury to another unsuspecting motorist through NO FAULT of their own.

You take those sentiments of every accident is avoidable and stick them where the sun don't shine. You know the truth. I am sure and your vast experience you have never started a sentence with "they were just driving along minding their own business and through no fault of their own, there all dead, or do you stand over their bodies and state every accident is avoidable you should have tried to better predict the actions of others?

Sorry you couldn't, sorry your dead. You should have been more aware.

Give me an f'n break.

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Thank you RuffEMS for putting the train back on track.....Khanek, same goes for me. I hope all get better soon, emotionally as well as physically. I'll keep them in my thoughts.

It's a shame that it takes something like this to happen to open ones' eyes. Hopefully with some time and wisdom we can all act a bit safer behind the wheel. I was an unfortunate one who learned the hard way and was thankful that no one else got hurt other than me. I don't know what I would have done if anyone got hurt, including my partner, the other driver, or the 5 young girls all under the age of 10yrs who were in the other car. The bruises and bones heal faster than the mental trauma of dealing with GOD FORBID hurting or killing someone due to ones' actions or lack of.

And it sucks to hear people constantly tell me, 'its okay, Laura. It was an accident and not your fault.' Sorry, but hind site being 20/20.....there are a plenty of coulda, shoulda, woulda thoughts that bombard me every time I think of the crash. I do feel it was my fault and it is a horrible thing because I feel that if ever put in the same situation, I could have avoided a crash.

Please, please, PLEASE everyone be safe out there, slow down, and use common sense with due regard. :|

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I am sure and your vast experience you have never started a sentence with "they were just driving along minding their own business and through no fault of their own, there all dead, or do you stand over their bodies and state every accident is avoidable you should have tried to better predict the actions of others?

Minding your own business is not enough. You have to mind the other guy's business too. That is the point. Assuming an intersection is safe just because the light is green is every bit as foolish as assuming that other drivers are going to yield to your lights and siren.

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