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driving in the breakdown lane


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Is it legal/acceptable to drive code 3 in the breakdown lane on the highway? I had a partner last week who drove code 3 down the rightside breakdown lane of I-95 for about 2 miles at approx. 60 miles an hour to a call. It did not feel safe and I questioned his reasoning and was told it was fine! Later off the highway I knew he was unsafe when he hopped a curb to bypass some cars. I've since requested to never work with him again. Am i over reacting? Is this common practice to drive in the breakdown lane?

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Your "partner" and I struggle to give him that much of a title, is an idiot. The first rule of EVOC is to stay left. Naturally if you hear a siren, where is the first place you go? Right. So driving along the right breakdown lane at 60 MPH is the STUPIDEST thing this guy could do. As for hopping curves...it just reinforces his obvious incompetence. I would report him to your supervisor and file an incident report, if necessary. Some people might thing this is an over reaction, but when you're driving at 60 MPH in a break down lane you're not only endangering your life, but the lives of anyone who follows stanard procedure and pulls to the right when they hear sirens. You're 100% in the right..

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First, I fail to understand why anyone would drive with L/S on a freeway anyways. Now this is probably due to traffic conditions where I live because it is generally reconized by the population that the speed limit is more of a recommendation (when traffic is going 10-15 MPH faster than the "limit" and the highway patrol are going faster than traffic). The only time I've ever seen (and the only time I would) someone drive down the shoulder is when there is a traffic accident ahead and traffic is jammed. Even in that situation, I wouldn't use a siren and turn the light bar off to prevent people ahead from "pulling to the right."

As far as popping the curb, I have the same response to the FTO that didn't want me to use the hands free mode. Asanine.

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Well, technically you'd have to have your lights going to drive in the breakdown lane...but I'd most likely just use my rear lights to let people know why I'm going in that lane. I would not go regular freeway speeds if I had my lights on for fear or someone pulling over in front of me, though. If it were the emergency lane on the left , then I'd go decently fast depending on speed on regular freeway traffic. If traffic's at 10MPH, I wouldn't go 50...but if it were at 40MPH and a wide E-lane (some are wider than actual lanes, right?) I might go 50...whatever feels safe.

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Well, technically you'd have to have your lights going to drive in the breakdown lane...

[warning, California specific information here]

Well, technically all you need is a forward facing constant red light. Now meeting that requirment will depend on the ambulance maker. My company's old Horton (RIP) had the red light on the light bar. Our Wheeled Coach Vans vary between having it on the grill lights and having it on the middle light over the cab (otherwise they slowly alternate).

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Right, I just said lights b/c 1) We don't have a setup that just allows a forward steady light on 2) I don't know the requirements in other states...they might need their sirens on too actually, in which case I would avoid the right lane even more.

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simple answer ifthe traffic on a multi lane road with shoulders/ breakdown lane is really slow / stopped and your road traffic legislation allows you to use the shoulders/ breakdown lane as an EV then do so , but be careful and 60 mph is way too fast for that

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If you've got an accident out on the highway and there's no way to get to it except through the backed up traffic, then yes, by all means drive in the breakdown lane. Lights only, and preferably at a speed less than 30mph. Might consider using judicious use of the horn to alert drivers who are sticking out into the lane to any degree.

If there's a scene BEYOND the traffic jam on the highway and you're stuck in traffic, consider advising dispatch to send a unit that's not on the highway, and advise that the new unit remain off of the highway if at all possible. Don't fly down the side to get to something that might be nothing at all; all you will do is risk your life and the lives of those around you. If there's nobody else and you're still the best option for reaching the scene, repeat above procedure.




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