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Call Review, feeling bad…


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Tim, buddy, you did the right thing. A nosebleed for 12 hours is a serious presentation, especially with someone with a history of hypertension, and a cardiac history. Not only that, but his pressure was still on the higher side despite losing some volume and being on a benzo. You see, roughly speaking, the little tiny vessels in your brain are far more delicate and prone to rupture than the ones in your nose. Therefore, if you have an underlying disorder which causes your nose to hemmorhage (increased pressure + weakened vessels), you should treat the person as about to have a hemmorhagic stroke until proven otherwise. Thats the way I run patients like this. Hemmorhagic strokes are like, really, really bad, and unlike ischemic strokes which some areas can treat in a field, the only treatment is rapid transport to a specialty center. Feel free to give those medics my e-mail address, and tell them I said they were incompetent jerks and if they were any dumber they'd be New Zealanders (oooooooh). Keep up the good work, if you see a patient like that again, remember, if there nose is going, their subarachnoid vessels are next.

(My apologies to the good people of New Zealand, however, you make good insults for Australians. Say hi to the sheep for me.)

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and if they were any dumber they'd be New Zealanders (oooooooh)


Thats funny stuff right there, i dont give a rats who you are! :D/ :lol: :laughing6: :wink: :D

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agree with what the previous posters had said

a 12 hour epistaxis even with pretty light bleeding is going to have knock on effects

what meds was the patient on?

i'd be inclined to transport this patient unless it was such a big event we had the personnel and kit on site to properly assess them ... which i'm guessing you didn't

the crew were utter, utter tools in this case... i'd be inclined to go through your chain of command to get a full investigation of the situation and hopefully get the crew 'educated'

who were you working for at the event? as this can have implications

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who were you working for at the event? as this can have implications

You bet your booty this would have implications!

I can see it now, "St John First Aid Volunteer questions Rural Ambulance Victoria, body found 2 hours later" :?

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Well I didn’t really look at what med the pt was on mainly because I wouldn’t know how to say it nor could I read those extremity long words and he had a massive plastic bag of them, about 15 packets, out of the ones I picked out he had a few cardiac meds for a stunt he had put in plus the benzos for I’m assuming anxiety. I’m not really that trained in pharmacology so there’s not really much point in me worrying about what the pts meds are as long as I hand them to the medics to look at.

As far as the event was concerned it was a car festival with a crowd of 48,000 each day. There was only 3 first aid staff for the duration of the event, no ambulance or anything only a room with basic first aid supplies. No it wasn’t with St John. I was privately employed by the event to be there first aider.

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LMAO - thats so cool :D


Its a "stent" buddy :wink:

No it wasn’t with St John. I was privately employed by the event to be there first aider.

OOoohh Bugger! Questioning this scenario is probably even less of a good idea then :? If working in industry has taught me one thing its that it is possible to be lower than a st john forst aider, and that anybody working in private EMS :D

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