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Paramedic responsibilities - EMT pay?


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I just saw this in the news section. I know there is another post something like this but I can't find it...


"Those medics being paid as EMTs are mandated by law to perform all skills, duties and responsibilities at the paramedic level," Mercurio said."

What's up with this? I noticed in the other thread that some ambulances are stocked at the basic level (If I understood correctly) This seems to fly in the face of logic if paramedics are riding and expected to perform at the level of their certs.

Are these Paramedics just so hungry for jobs that they will allow this? Is this common? Maybe Mercurio is just full of soup...? I don't get it....

Just interested in your thought...


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It would stand to reason that if you don't have the ALS equipment, you can't treat patients to an ALS level.

I wonder how this got by anyone. The pay rate doesn't determine how you treat patients, the equipment does.

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