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Ahhhh....I see the right train of thought happening here but I cant just yet let you know what happend.

When questioning the son about any recent trauma he denies knowing anything. We moved her over to our cot in the back of our unit. She altered but is still able to maintain her own airway. As I said earlier lung sounds are clear, pupils are sluggish at 2 mm. Skin is cool and dry.

The 3 lead shows sinus tach.

Sternum Fx is also going in the right direction. She does not have a fever. We strip her and do a full body assessment to look for clues. We find multiple contusions on the right hand side of the neck. I grab c-spine and we board her as now it appears like it might be trauma....

The vitals are unchanged.

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Polypharm OD with T3 being part of it. Possible suicide attempt...the neck bruising could have been from something else or related.

The son finding her in the kitchen and seeing her barely/not breathing and unable to rouse her, starts chest compressions. Soon after the patient (who never did actually arrest) starts responding and the son stops compressions. This caused the query sternal fracture and possible broken ribs. I would also query a possible pneuthorax or potentially pericardial effusion (early with tach and narrow pulse pressue, no JVD).

Why is she on T3? Are they hers? How many are in the bottle.

Environmental factors could also play in here...

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The T3's are hers. I insist a lot as to why she has them, the prescrition is only a few days old. I cant get a PMHx either. Other than her ALOC I cant get anything out of her. So we arrived at the hospital where we bump into her doc....

.....I thought I was going to scream....her doc tells us she involved in an single vehicle rollover which killed her husband, her son was in the vehicle as well.....

Minor info eh....I mean I think anyone would forget that type of accident eh :roll:

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as it happend to be, she had been in the accident 2 days prior to us picking her up. When they did a full work up at the hospital they saw she had overdosed on the tylenol and was now showing signs of a head injury. She was boarded and we transferred her to a trauma centre a few hours away.

She died 9 days after we transferred over care....

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