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Question about getting a job.

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Lone star, Coach

If I could give you some advice. Don't waste your time. This has been going on for ever in this forum. If you are not a medic you are useless. They no it all have done it all, seen it all. And will happy to tell you they have done so.

Just continue to do your job effectively, and not worry about what people on this board. Trust me they do not echo that of the majority. Most would be happy to explain or talk you Thur something rather then stand over you rattling off their qualifications. or lack there of.

Though I do not work in and area that has very many volunteers, I have actually never come in contact with any. Any one who does a job for free with that kind of personal risk involved, has the respect from me. If you want to call them whackers or whatever they are still putting it on line to benefit others. If you cant respect that.

And what exactley does being paid have anything to do with being proffesional.

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Thats exactly my point! I'm a member of a part paid on call fire department, and have been for 14 years. I've also been in EMS for 11 years on top of that. I do what I do because the'res a need for it, and not everybody has the grit to do it.

Those that sit and 'forget' where they've come from (ie: rookie status, or vollie...whatever) make it rough for those that are getting into these fields! It's discouraging at best. These fields need all the professionals that they can get. If a person sticks with it long enough to make it a 'career' ..then hats off to them!

There's no sense in all the 'bashing' that goes on, and as a note to anyone that is interested in these fields, I can only suggest that you let the bullshit bashing go in one ear and out the other, and follow your dream...and become the most professional EMT, Firefighter or whatever you can be!

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you know I hate to chime in on this little feud but I feel the need, I think what DD is getting at is you have to look at the big picture as long as there are volunteers (some are great some so so)anyway as long as they are there no one (town city's etc..) will offer to pay for full time and private services will pay even less . so everyone complains about pay. and there are some very good volunteers but most of them don't stick around very long.granted we cant all be paragods but we try and I think first responders and vols are great in times of crises or on the side of the highway until a paragod shows up. if it were me in trouble I would want the best not a part-timer but some help is better than non so i guess this argument will go on forever. just my 2 cents.

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Wow...this doesn't seem this difficult to me....

Dust, Rid, Ace, etc... seems to believe that we shouldn't STRIVE to create basic/basic squads when we know there will always be a need for ALS.

How does this not make sense?

I don't see where you find that they hates basics? I don't want a basic if I can be treated by a paramedic. If I'm at the hospital, I don't want to be treated by a paramedic if I can see the ER doc. If I need surgery I don't want to see the ER doc if I can see the surgeon.

Does this mean I hate basics, paramedics, and ER docs? That I only see value in surgeons? Nope...I don't think so.

CHOOSING to create BLS only systems seems more or less the same as choosing to create a hospital without ER docs and surgeons. I've heard that it happens, but is that the goal we want for our communities?

God bless volunteers. But to pretend that they provide the same service as 24/7 professional squads (in most cases) just doesn't seem to wash.

And I know the logic that volunteers enable communities to avoid paying professional ALS crews can't be lost on most of you...I read your post, I know you can make the leap.

I also hate the ALS v BLS threads, but mostly because they usually start with BLS screaming "FOUL" when an ALS provider points out the limitations of our BLS cert. It makes us look like boneheads when I know most of us can see the limitations ourselves.

I worked hard for my cert. I was in the top 2 of 35 in my class. But if I'm what you hope for as the standard of care in your community....well...I'm glad we're not neighbors....

When I have my MI, I want a paramedic, sitting in his ambulance, fresh out of his continuing education to come do his committed, ALS, best.

Disclaimer : Dust and others, I don't mean to speak for you. Feel free to correct me if I've misunderstood some of your points.


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"Dwayne & Everyone,"

I personally sit back with quite abit of amusement when I am accussed of 'hating basics,' and BLS. It's a bit IRONICal....really, I wonder do I hate myself....NO, absolutely not..!! I guess it just seems a bit odd to me that as someone who is in most cases an ADVOCATE for BASICS recieving, more education, training, etc...., etc...., that myself, and many of the others are often acussed of hating BLS. Even more funny because a few of us who post these things are BASICS....

But I digress, "Dwayne," nice summary and yes you hit the nail on the head... I will further add to the statements I have already made in the 'city' regarding this topic to include the following. For those of you who are Basics in this profession you have a RESPONSIBILITY to EDUCATE yourself further and do all you can to become a better CLINICIAN. This whining about how "Oh, I only had 120 hrs...My class didn't help me learn..." Is a complete cop out, and B$!! Oh, Booie for you, now MAN UP and FIX IT!!!Fact of the matter is, you are in an autonomous field, with ALOT MORE RESPONSIBILITY THAN YOU WERE LED TO BELIEVE IN CLASS!!!

Furthermore, your an adult, or at least pretending to be one. So why should the rest of us hold your hand and give you an excuse to blame your lack of motivation, education, intelligence, understanding, or abilities on others. IT'S YOUR ISSUE, YOUR RESPONSIBILITY, SO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!! Are there ways to do this, yes; and are there people here who are willing to help? Absolutely!!! There are many of us here who try to teach, and help you guys be better providers, and clinicians! If you have no interest in any of the things I mentioned. Go work in an industry where your lack of 'motivation' and complacency won't cause harm to someones family members and friends. WHAT WE DO EFFECTS LIVES IN A REAL WAY!!! THERE ARE MORE THAN A FEW INSTANCES WHERE WE MAKE LIFE, AND DEATH DECISIONS AND EFFECT OUTCOMES IN REAL AND OFTEN PERMENANT WAYS FOR SOMEONE WHO OFTEN WE HAVE JUST MET!!!

Think about it.... :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: 8)

{climbs off his soapbox and relequishes the mic for a short time}



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