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Bad explosion the other night!!

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Divinewind you just made the case against you even worse by your statement. At least in my opinion. If it was suspected to be a meth lab, which you sound like it was at the time, the patients are hazmats. You said you did what you did because hopefully they will live to see another day and change their lives around... but what about you? Honestly, I don't care what any of my patients will do in the future if it means placing myself at risk, let alone one suspected or confirmed of making drugs. And, before anyone asks, I've watched someone actively seize for over an hour and a half because we weren't allowed near them before they were decontaminated.

I've been in the same sort of situations, and know how adrenaline and emotions can get you pumped. But someone needs to step back and say Whoa. Too many of us are getting injured senselessly. You lucked out, but it really could have been A LOT worse. And every one we lose is another customer who can't buy my books, so I gotta keep you all around. :D

Armchair quarterbacking, I know. But you did good for you patient. Just learn from this and remember to do for you next time.


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"Moral of the story....dont put flammable liquids in your stove".

2nd moral of the story, decon your patients. I am really surprised that the air crew even allowed the patient in their helicopter. Never put a "hot" patient in a helicopter, appropriate protective gear is not available. Personally had it been me, I would have refused to fly them under the suspicion of possible meth chemicals.......................................

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Please excuse my ignorance, but what exactly is harmful in a meth lab? Other than the high risk of explosion? What would a decontamination procedure consist of?

Well just to start some of the chemicals in a meth lab would include Over-the-counter cold and asthma medications containing ephedrine or pseudo ephedrine, red phosphorous, hydrochloric acid, drain cleaner, battery acid, lye, lantern fuel, and antifreeze.

Do any of these chemicals sound familiar to you. It's hard to believe that anyone would want these chemicals ingested into the human body. But this should answer your question as to why meth labs are harmful. Any of these chemicals alone can cause serious problems.

As far as the cleanup I was lucky enough when I did bust a couple of labs that there was no exposure and we had Special Tactical guys to handle the cleanup once we secured the lab.

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Please excuse my ignorance, but what exactly is harmful in a meth lab? Other than the high risk of explosion? What would a decontamination procedure consist of?

Don't forget that a lot of the time they use anhydrous ammonia. This is a fertilizer that can cause a freeze burn if it gets on you and is highly explosive.

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Here is what they teach us in NYC. We are taught to the awareness level for haz mat (homeland security just gave cash for us all to be trianed to operations level this year).... once you believe that the job may be a haz mat job, roll down your window just a little bit so that you can yell out to find out whats happening. Do this as your partner puts the bus in reverse and drives away. scene safety in the order of me, we, them (we being your partner).

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Well here's another issue we have

you have a hot patient, you put them in the Ambulance - HOt ambulance/helicopter now. Take them down the road to the local 12 bed ED and put them in the "trauma" room - Hot trauma room, hot hallway and hot ambulance bay.

What happens next, EPA or DOT or whoever comes out, declares your ambulance/helicopter, ambulance bay, hallway to the trauma room and the trauma bay a Haz mat scene and they shut those areas off. Everything that is in that part of the facility that is considered HOT is either going to have to be decontaminated or if it is determined it's too hot to decon then they will take it out somewhere and either incinerate it or bury it. Let's count up the cost

1/3 of the ED and equipment out of service and having to be replaced - 200K - 500K or more

1 ambulance and equipment - 100K (this might be the only ambulance that the service has) or the helicopter out of service - 500K

This is a very very very costly mistake. Should have been decon'd but I love playing armchair QB

You did right for your patient

you never did say what the outcome was for the two yahoo's who burned themselves

Dead or alive???

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Well here's another issue we have

you have a hot patient, you put them in the Ambulance - HOt ambulance/helicopter now. Take them down the road to the local 12 bed ED and put them in the "trauma" room - Hot trauma room, hot hallway and hot ambulance bay.

What happens next, EPA or DOT or whoever comes out, declares your ambulance/helicopter, ambulance bay, hallway to the trauma room and the trauma bay a Haz mat scene and they shut those areas off. Everything that is in that part of the facility that is considered HOT is either going to have to be decontaminated or if it is determined it's too hot to decon then they will take it out somewhere and either incinerate it or bury it. Let's count up the cost

1/3 of the ED and equipment out of service and having to be replaced - 200K - 500K or more

1 ambulance and equipment - 100K (this might be the only ambulance that the service has) or the helicopter out of service - 500K

This is a very very very costly mistake. Should have been decon'd but I love playing armchair QB

You did right for your patient

you never did say what the outcome was for the two yahoo's who burned themselves

Dead or alive???

But, should everyone else actually do things appropriately, then the only extent of damage would be to the "hot" ambulance. If the hospital remotely had any level of intelligence, then would either decon the patient or refuse entry until someone else does................................................................

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