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One Technological Advance You'd Like to See in EMS


What Technology Would You MOST Like To See In EMS?  

27 members have voted

  1. 1.

    • Diagnostic Imaging
    • Better Stretchers, Stair Chairs, Etc
    • Safer Ambulances
    • Better Educated Paramedics
    • Better Basics (IV Catheters, etc)
    • Better Heart Monitors
    • Other (Please Specify).

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And the monetary concerns are bogus too. You don't see the county or city running any other positions or services with volunteers, do you? There aren't any volunteer city secretaries, water engineers, mechanics, road maintenance crews, janitors, or lawn mowers are there? The police and sheriff aren't dispatched by volunteer dispatchers are they? Do you think the school bus drivers get up at 0500 everyday for free? Hell no. Yep. There is money. Plenty of money. They just don't think YOU are worth it. And you know why? Because any idiot can pass a 120 hour EMT course. And more than half of those that do are perfectly willing to work for free because they think the lights and sirens are cool.

:) That last line is priceless! Very true, and very sad at the same time. You are 100% correct in your "outside the box" diatribe against rural EMS. What I'm waiting for is how we are to affect this type of change? Please, I implore you to put it all on paper, or post it here so that we can all hit our print buttons and submit it to our legislators at our next podunk town meeting. And don't give me the "we all have to prove that we are worth it with educating ourselves higher than the standards," because we get educated to the level we are asked to for what we need to attain. How are we to change the parameters and regulations to make the EMT's become more educated? Answer that, and show us how to implement it, and all our problems will be solved. Don't worry, we'll give you the credit. :)

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Jesus... I absolutely stink at trying to figure out this "Quote" thing. Is there a tutorial to help me not suck so bad? :oops:

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What I'm waiting for is how we are to affect this type of change? Please, I implore you to put it all on paper, or post it here so that we can all hit our print buttons and submit it to our legislators at our next podunk town meeting.

Hmmm... I'll work on that. I'll get some others to get together and brainstorm on a political approach. Although, as I have stated before, nothing short of federal mandate is going to effect nationwide change. Right now, the best you can hope for is that your state gets it's act together like Kansas has and unilaterally raises their standards.

As for the quotes thing, when you hit the quote button to reply, everything is done for you. Just highlight and delete the part of the post that you don't want quoted, and make sure you don't delete any part of the quote brackets like you did in that last post. If you want to quote multiple parts of the post separately, click on the " " icon above, cut and paste the quote next to it, then click the " " icon again to close the quotes. Or you can just type in [ quote] and [ /quote] in manually before and after each quote.

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I know! Let's just change the name of the web site to paragodcity.com

How is it that these topics get turned into Basic bashing all of the friggin time. Just put real doctors on every ambulance and get rid of the paramedics too. All of the vollie basics that go on to paramedic school NEVER respond to calls because they work in the big city on REAL calls and get paid to do it. Just get rid of the basics and the vollies and then the paramedics can come save you in a half hour or so. Don't worry though, that bleeding will stop eventually. Just hang in there.

Basics, regardless of what you say, still know more and can do more than the average citizen. I don't say we know even a fraction of what a paramedic knows. I know paramedics are highly educated and I am damn glad there are paramedics out there. But what Basics can do is still 100% better than no care at all. I agree that paramedics should be paid much more than they currently are being paid. I am sure eliminating basics would change that. Hmmmm maybe that is the real underlying reason why you don't like basics.

You can change the education requirements to Basics needing 2 years and paramedics needing 4 years and you will still be here bashing basics because you have a higher education. Like I said, just put doctors on ambulances and there would be no need for paramedics either.

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You can change the education requirements to Basics needing 2 years and paramedics needing 4 years and you will still be here bashing basics because you have a higher education.

Wrong. You're not paying attention. That is basically what happened in the Canadian system, and I praise it on a daily basis. So long as "basics" have the minimal amount of entry level education, training, and experience I believe is necessary to safely effect patient care, I'm happy.

Like I said, just put doctors on ambulances and there would be no need for paramedics either.

Sounds good to me. That is about what has happened in flight medicine where nurses and physicians rule and paramedics are the low man. I don't have a problem with that. Unlike so many others, I am not sitting around and thinking only about what I can do to protect my own little turf. I am all about whatever is best for the patient.

Funny how so many seemingly intelligent people completely misunderstand (or misrepresent) my views. To me it's a sign that we need more general educational requirements in EMS education to promote better comprehension, communications, and critical thinking skills in the ranks. Of course, that would mean no more 120 hour zero to hero certifications, so I don't suppose anybody will go for that. :roll:

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I am still waiting for some explanation of what the average person with advanced first aid has that makes the EMT more superior?.. Now, if EMT was truly a starting point and had general medicine, then I can understand and support the current EMT curriculum. Again, most of the EMT;s are not aware or for some reason comprehend how much of the current "training" has been watered down.

Take away the equipment (EVOC, charting, etc) I think one would see how horrible the curriculum is.

Be safe,

R/R 911

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Let's talk about "watered down" training.

I just sat through an "initial" ACLS class that lasted a grand total of five hours. :shock:

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