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60 yo male pt. sudden onset of pain at rest. hx htn, angina. no trauma. no discolouration /deformity.

tachycardic 130

bp 164/90

resps 22

lungs clear all fields

pt denies SOB

does that help?

Any previous history of this or anything like this happening before? What about a temp? Do we have one of those? Warmth or erythema at site? Hmm...pressure is a little high, but that could be due to his hx of hypertension...but with tach...hmm..What has he been doing the day or two before this happened? Any recent illnesses at all? Has he ridden a bike lately? Any abdominal pain with this? How about low back pain (kidney). Is the pain worse/better if he sits or stands? I already said thoughts of torsion or testicular ca are in the mind. Umm..could be simple testicular inflammation (orchitis), maybe has developed an abscess....but....I'll wait for your reply on the above...before I comment further...

:wink: 8

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Holy crappies.....I didn't think of that....! You're absolutely right....pain at rest, sharp in quality or at least...bad..., history of hypertension, shock like appearance.....

I think we have a winner....in fact...I would bet money on it. (as long as we're talking serious here... This certainly fits.)

Good Job...flight-lp :wink: (And if it turns out to not be this (on a serious level)...then excellent guess just the same...)

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Dissecting aortic aneurysm........Get him on the table quick!!!!!

I was scrolling through the posts waiting to see if anyone got it...the dissecting aorta was my first thought...after providing more information, especially the age, onset, and history of HTN, it just put the icing on the cake. As that blood leaks into the abdomen it pools and causes intense pressure in the groin area, most commonly the testicles. I agree, he needs to be on the table, as quickly as possible...

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Looks like we will be lightin up the streets like broadway enroute to the ER... :lol:

Rollin Code BABY.... 8)

So....what exactly is "Dissecting Aortic Aneurysm" that you speak of?

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Do you care enough to Google it? :wink:

No need to bash a student who is willing to learn.

Yes, Googling is an option but I also wanted to get an idea of what medics had to say about the issue.

You were a student once before....so if you are going to bash....dont post at all... :roll:

-An aspiring Medic-

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