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Health Officials Warn of New SARS-Related Virus


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I KNEW a SARs virus was on the horizon....you think that they're really out there looking for people? Nope...it's just an excuse to have a giant search and rescue orgy hoping that lost people will be able to find them by following the randy smell....

It was just a matter of time really....

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Since the Hanta Virus made headlines again this past few weeks a little too close to home and H1N1 a couple years ago and with TB still prospering in the United States, I will give WHO some credit for giving notice. We are connected by mass transit to all parts of the world and can not take anything for granted especially if you work in health care.

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Was anyone here working in the Toronto area in 2003 with the SARS outbreak there?


During the outbreak, Toronto EMS’ 850 paramedics had 1,166 potential SARS exposures; 436 were placed in a 10-day home quarantine, which meant being isolated from those persons within the home, continuously wearing an N95 respirator, and taking their temperatures twice a day. SARS-like illnesses developed in 62 paramedics, and suspected or probable SARS requiring hospitalization developed in 4 others.

During the H1N1 season a couple years ago, some CCT trucks had EMTs refusing to go with known H1N1 patients who were being transported to a hospital of higher care. It brought back memories of the 80s and HIV/AIDS and TB.

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You guys forgot to mention the reemergence of Whooping Cough. That's another one. I still don't understand that because it's one that can be vaccinated against.

Unfortunately, there is no way to keep any illness in one area of the world with the way travel is. I live right off a major interstate. It's amazing what we see between those traveling through by car and, especially, those who get off of Greyhound. :rolleyes2:

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