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Update on our flooding


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As I had reported earlier in June we were going to have to pack up and move due to the potential flooding of the Missouri river basin.

Well at first we had no where to go, we purchased a 36 and a half foot 5th wheel travel trailer. So during the week of Memorial Day I worked like hell to pack my home up ready to move. We also got two 53 ft. dry van semi trailers to pace all of our household into and that of my brother in laws household, two other households, my daughters and my brother in laws wife kids went into two stock trailers. June 6th we moved into the local state park. We are still here. After about three weeks the Gov. of Iowa declared that those people seeking spots to park in the parks because of the flooding, all fees were waived. Then on June 30 the levee broke about two miles north and west of the town wehre we live. I went down there on that day to look at the house real quick and remember what it was like and thought I would never see it again. I went back yesterday for the first time. I had known that we only got water in the basement despite the fact the farm is completely surrounded by water, and our crops are gone and we were among the lucky ones. There are some homes completely destroyed by the flood water. Others damaged to the point they probably will be torn down anyway. It may be next year by the time I-29 has any repairs done. It is closed from Rock Port Missouri to Glenwood Iowa. There are a lot of sections still under water, some damaged that repair is impossible and total rebuild of some road beds and bridge structures is the only solution. My only problem is combating daily boredom, and sleepless nights. The day the levee broke was my 61st birthday, what a hell of a bday present. I got back to camp poured myself a lovely single malt scotch and a splash of water and cried for about an hour. I will survive. It's just that I am not in for this kind of adventure at this point in life. Now where did I put that bottle of Glenfiddich or was it Glenlivit?

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Man...tough go Babe...

I wish I had encouraging things to say, but we both know the, "it will be fine" and "time heals all" schtick in these situations are bullshit.

Keep your chin up. Try and put this time to some use...Scotch is ok, but try and chase it with a liberal dose of exercise.

As tough as it must be, try and find some way to move your family forward, if only in something really small, every day. Nothing else should be considered acceptable.

Stay healthy, get physically stronger, move your family forward, otherwise your mind can go into some really ugly places...And you know damn well that you and I both are REALLY to old to play that destructive game, right?

Some really excellent advice I received once that will be familiar to many..."When you don't know what to do...breath in, breath out, put one foot in front of the other, and clean your house."

Sending thoughts for strength to you from the Womacks in Colorado...


Edited by DwayneEMTP
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Yes this weather has been absolutely crazy, I was at huge forest fires, (burned 500 homes) then monsoon rains .... then I personally got hailed on 2 weeks ago, not a pea sized but ping pong to bigger, pock marked my relatively new truck, new roof needed now, shingles are beat to rat shit, even blew holes in the "frames" of my windows, siding shredded this in just 15 minutes ... my garden was looking so good too, but not a stalk left now.

I guess I am lucky I still have a pot to piss in and no twister in that storm... all the best and keep a wee dram of Glenfiddich on hand for me.


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There is a Fremont County Iowa Flood Support Page on facebook. I am unable at present to copy and paste the link. Click on any of the pictures and you will get a view of what it looks like, that is if you want to see homes, farmland and highways under water or devastation. I get to clean the place every day in part we have a 11 month old and 10 year old granddaughters living here along with their parents. I do the cooking and rotate who does dishes and laundry. None of the 10 families here sleep very well at night so I am not alone in that. All of us walk every day and part in part of us living here for free we donate our time to mowing the grass and cleaning. Also our fire/rescue department was made part of the local fire/rescue near here and we being non working individuals and available are taking over their calls when local personnel are unavailable, including transfers from the local community hospital to Omaha or Council Bluffs. I am bored because I am use to working 8 hours a day 40 hours a week every week and to suddenly not have that! I have started crocheting after thirty years. Also I am trying with my friend to work on another book, but this wireless card and connection I have here at camp is incredibily slow. We all get together about once a week and talk and listen to all the rumors that abound and get a good laugh over it. We are keeping a sense of humor and work to try and keep the children in a sense of normalacy as much as possible. Making new friends too boot. Yes there are days where we do not care to associate with anyone and we get thru it. I have found out that I can relax just watching the hummingbirds fight over the feeder I put up and shut off the i phone and pager. I figure I have lost about ten pounds which is great I could loose more, so I can work on that as well.

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I am a volunteer basic. There are no paid emt's in this area, that I know of, at least in this corner of the state. Why am I not working, my job is under water about 5 to six feet of it. I am getting unemployment and plan to go back to work when the water goes down and the reapairs to the building made and the highway's repaired. I just work to supplement the farm income. That went as well as the crops when the flood hit.


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Ahh..got it. I couldn't remember what you did for a living or your cert level...I was assuming that they would be looking for EMS all over the place as normally happens with the floods...

Wasn't trying to bust your ovaries girl..


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