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First EMT-B interview


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Hi, I'm new to this forum and just recently got my EMT-B certificate in NYS. I applied with an ambulance company that specializes in senior care. I got an interview scheduled in a few weeks, and I'm just wondering what I should be expecting. I've been on plenty of interviews before, but I feel that this may be different because I may be asked about certain situations. I just want to be able to give the right answer to any questions they ask. Would anyone be able to offer me some insight as to what I may expect. Would they ask some questions about one's duties as an EMT and give any what if situations. I know a lot of my stuff, since I just finished up my EMT class in December, but I was wondering if there is anything specific I should review or study from my EMT book before I go to this interview? Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated!

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With a handle such as yours, I really hope you do not have that type of attitude.

That being said, interviews will vary greatly from each employer. I have been places where my interview was two questions to interviews that took a couple hours to some that even had PT tests.

You are most likely to expect the typical interview questions. Maybe you will get some about patients and scenarios. Being new in the EMS world will make finding a job difficult. The best advice I can give you is present yourself in a very professional manner. Do not be cocky, be confident. Dress nice and give yourself plenty of time to get there EARLY.

Also remember, you are not just interviewing to get the job, you are interviewing if you want to work there. Ask questions. If this really the place you want to work for?

Edited: Search the forums also... this has been discussed many times before about interviewing.

Edited by FireMedic65
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Each company is different. Expect anything. Study; they may give an exam: verbal &/or oral. Be loose, make sure you can lift & run; they may give a physical. Know how to read a map & be able to negotiate the serpentine: they may have a driving test. In other words; be prepared. NYS really hasn't... All the best...

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