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Name the Occupation.


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This is off of texems list bulletin board. Don't know author.

Someone who is equipped to - and at least marginally willing to provide a certain specialized service, Said person is near-universally looked down upon as a lesser form of life, not deserving of common courtesies, referred to with derogatory words, and totally disposable right up to the moment when they're desperately needed. Even then, treatment received generally increases only to the consideration level given to indentured servants. There may be a brief moment of recognition and possibly gratitude at the end, but it's uncommon and altogether fleeting. The completion of one job brings only the beginning of the next job. There's pay or some other quid pro quo involved, but nowhere near enough unless the person in question can and does cater to unusual needs, and even then it might not be enough. Said person may often be trying to get out of this life and typically fails - recidivism rate is high. May be forced into or back into the life by circumstance, or by "just one time and that's it" thinking. Tends to wear clothing styles and/or carry specific items that make their profession obvious. Typically required to work criminally-long shifts and late nights, and associate with undesirable elements of society. Day to day life involves getting screwed over rapidly and frequently. May develop serious health problems as a direct result of the work, even if preventative measures are properly taken, often works in dirty, loud, hazardous environments with notable temperature extremes. Gets a high percentage of work via word-of-mouth, can often be found with a group of people in the same line of work, bitching about the life in general and particular clients in specific. Probably still likes the service being provided to some degree, but probably not in the context of work - maintains a firm line between doing it for personal reasons and doing it on the job: the former is for actual enjoyment. The latter is solely for obtaining money, though pride may be taken in possessing the skills necessary to do the job well. Can only pick-and-choose clients if *exceptionally* skilled and in demand, or has a *very* understanding boss who makes it a point to look out for employees. Usually bills by the engagement, hired by clients with little-to-no regard for lasting consequences, who likely will demand things without actually knowing what they entail, and who don't care about why or how or what is needed, only how fast it can be accomplished.


Edited by tniuqs
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