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Just Plain Ruff

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When Fred Phelps kills himself and 3,000 other people because of his religion, he'll be a good example.

Do all Muslims have blood on their hands only by the fact that they share a common religion?

Do all Americans have blood on their hands due to the treatment of Native Americans?

OK- I'll use Fred Phelps as an example. The left is so concerned with harming Phelp's right to free speech, but solutions I heard would address that. Limit WHERE and WHEN he can spew his venom- as in a couple blocks away, or 2 hrs before or after the ceremony.

SO- with regards to the mosque- let the mosque be built- ON ANOTHER SITE.

Problem solved.

Limitations like that won't stand simply under the president set by National Socialist Party v Skokie.

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Do all Muslims have blood on their hands only by the fact that they share a common religion?

Do all Americans have blood on their hands due to the treatment of Native Americans?

Limitations like that won't stand simply under the president set by National Socialist Party v Skokie.

Think of the political nominating conventions. Protesters had established areas, near, but also apart from the rest of the activities. They were allowed to exercise their 1st Amendment rights, folks were not subjected to anything inappropriate or disruptive. Neither side's rights were trampled on.

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I have been reading both of these thread and really find everyones comments interesting.

As a Canadian(even if it was geared towards americans) do I forgive them for the attacks. Ya I guess you could say I do, but I am an empathic personality and have forgiven many people for many things.

Does this impact me personally. Nope

To be honest I have no idea what is and what is not allowed in a Mosque so question 3 I cant answer.

My understanding in alot of this is the location and the grand opening day being the issues. I truely believe these are just being done in bad taste and that maybe they should re-consider changing them and be considerate to the American people as a whole.

In reading alot of the reponses to this Mosque topic it is bringing alot of racisum out in alot of people. Living in a First Nations community and being white I have been on the recieving end of racisum and when my husband was growing he was on the other end of that racisum stick. As my 3 boys were growing up we would come across the topic time to time. This was always my answer to them "If you dont like someone because the are an as shole then dont like them because they are an as shole not because they are an indian" My youngest son who is going to Vancouver to go to school has lately been making statements about how he hopes his roommates are not Asian, so I said to him "I wonder if those Asian's are hoping their roommate isnt an Indian" when I made this comment it was like a lite went off in head and he actually realized how racist he was being.

No matter who you are someone in this world is going to hate you

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Do all Muslims have blood on their hands only by the fact that they share a common religion?

If they believe in spreading Sharia I'm inclined to say yes, because pretty much anything done for that goal is permissible if the infidel does not submit.

Do all Americans have blood on their hands due to the treatment of Native Americans?

Lol. According to a lot of liberals, yeah, we do.

Edited by CBEMT
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