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I'm sorry but what the hell are we crying about over this show? So what if it showed the medic in not so great a light.

House routinely shows EVERYONE In a bad light.

We need to begin to address the real issues in EMS rather than "OOOOH MY feelings are hurt because I didn't get called the right title on a TV Show"

I don't really give a rats arse how we are portrayed by the entertainment industry as they do what they see fit and never I repeat NEVER show any profession in a good light. They are equal opportunity despisers - look at just how they treat their own profession. Producers on drugs, actors as murderers, drug addicts, drunks and whatever.

It's the entertainment industry people. It's not something that we need to focus our energies on. Let's focus on some other productive topic like Fire versus EMS or Professional versus vollie, now those are two of the foundations on what we on this forum can believe and agree to spend all our waking hours on.

For me this is the deal, when i put on my uniform and get that call for someone who is sick or injured - they get a competent and professional responder who will take care of them and will provide them the best care that I have been trained to give.

That's all that matters to your patient.

What our public or patients don't give a rats ass about is whether you are paid or volunteer, fire or ems, old or new

Allthey care about is will I take care of them and either make them better or help them get through this crisis in their life.

But hey, that's just me. I think the bitching about things that truly in the scheme of things do not matter truly makes us look like less the professionals.

I have a friend, her name is Judy. She follows this forum because I am a member. She tells me that she doesn't understand the hullaballoo over all the arguing if vollie is better than professional or fire is better than EMS. She doesn't really care. but the other day, she fell and broke her hip and wrist. She was not focused on whether a fire medic or single role medic came to her house. She was focused that that person would show up, help her and make her better. The service that responded was MAST in KC MO who are now part of the fire department. They are I guess Fire Medics now. 5 months ago they were the private single role service. The name just changed. She was treated with kid gloves and treated very very well. These were fire medics, the ones who we love to hate here. They provided a very good ride and treatment regimen to her. She was very well pleased.

So a fire medic (who we love to hate here) treated her very very well. Isn't that an oxymoron.

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How do I give rep?

I went on hiatus right when they started instituting it and can't remember...

Who you giving rep to? Don't you know that you are only allowed to give negatives here. Just kidding. Postives are welcome too.

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How do I give rep?

I went on hiatus right when they started instituting it and can't remember...

They are in the bottom right corner of peoples posts however ruff cant get any because hes a moderator.

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I'm sorry but what the hell are we crying about over this show? So what if it showed the medic in not so great a light.

House routinely shows EVERYONE In a bad light.

We need to begin to address the real issues in EMS rather than "OOOOH MY feelings are hurt because I didn't get called the right title on a TV Show"

I don't really give a rats arse how we are portrayed by the entertainment industry as they do what they see fit and never I repeat NEVER show any profession in a good light. They are equal opportunity despisers - look at just how they treat their own profession. Producers on drugs, actors as murderers, drug addicts, drunks and whatever.

It's the entertainment industry people. It's not something that we need to focus our energies on. Let's focus on some other productive topic like Fire versus EMS or Professional versus vollie, now those are two of the foundations on what we on this forum can believe and agree to spend all our waking hours on.

For me this is the deal, when i put on my uniform and get that call for someone who is sick or injured - they get a competent and professional responder who will take care of them and will provide them the best care that I have been trained to give.

That's all that matters to your patient.

What our public or patients don't give a rats ass about is whether you are paid or volunteer, fire or ems, old or new

Allthey care about is will I take care of them and either make them better or help them get through this crisis in their life.

But hey, that's just me. I think the bitching about things that truly in the scheme of things do not matter truly makes us look like less the professionals.

I have a friend, her name is Judy. She follows this forum because I am a member. She tells me that she doesn't understand the hullaballoo over all the arguing if vollie is better than professional or fire is better than EMS. She doesn't really care. but the other day, she fell and broke her hip and wrist. She was not focused on whether a fire medic or single role medic came to her house. She was focused that that person would show up, help her and make her better. The service that responded was MAST in KC MO who are now part of the fire department. They are I guess Fire Medics now. 5 months ago they were the private single role service. The name just changed. She was treated with kid gloves and treated very very well. These were fire medics, the ones who we love to hate here. They provided a very good ride and treatment regimen to her. She was very well pleased.

So a fire medic (who we love to hate here) treated her very very well. Isn't that an oxymoron.


AMEN Brother. Finally something I 100% totally agree with. The public just wants someone in a professional manner caring for them in their time of need. Just like alot of the public calls all EMTs be they basic or not Paramedics. They are just accustomed through media and entertainment to assume we are.


As far as House goes. There were a few discrepancies in the show, such as patient abandonment (which to me was a bigger problem then calling a medic an emt) . But we need to take it with a grain of salt. Did I yell at the TV? Sure. Did I point out the problems to my wife? Sure. Thats just human nature. Its a decent show if your in it for the entertainment value vs the real life value.

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I'm sorry but what the hell are we crying about over this show? So what if it showed the medic in not so great a light.

House routinely shows EVERYONE In a bad light.

We need to begin to address the real issues in EMS rather than "OOOOH MY feelings are hurt because I didn't get called the right title on a TV Show"

I don't really give a rats arse how we are portrayed by the entertainment industry as they do what they see fit and never I repeat NEVER show any profession in a good light. They are equal opportunity despisers - look at just how they treat their own profession. Producers on drugs, actors as murderers, drug addicts, drunks and whatever.

It's the entertainment industry people. It's not something that we need to focus our energies on. Let's focus on some other productive topic like Fire versus EMS or Professional versus vollie, now those are two of the foundations on what we on this forum can believe and agree to spend all our waking hours on.

For me this is the deal, when i put on my uniform and get that call for someone who is sick or injured - they get a competent and professional responder who will take care of them and will provide them the best care that I have been trained to give.

That's all that matters to your patient.

What our public or patients don't give a rats ass about is whether you are paid or volunteer, fire or ems, old or new

Allthey care about is will I take care of them and either make them better or help them get through this crisis in their life.

But hey, that's just me. I think the bitching about things that truly in the scheme of things do not matter truly makes us look like less the professionals.

I have a friend, her name is Judy. She follows this forum because I am a member. She tells me that she doesn't understand the hullaballoo over all the arguing if vollie is better than professional or fire is better than EMS. She doesn't really care. but the other day, she fell and broke her hip and wrist. She was not focused on whether a fire medic or single role medic came to her house. She was focused that that person would show up, help her and make her better. The service that responded was MAST in KC MO who are now part of the fire department. They are I guess Fire Medics now. 5 months ago they were the private single role service. The name just changed. She was treated with kid gloves and treated very very well. These were fire medics, the ones who we love to hate here. They provided a very good ride and treatment regimen to her. She was very well pleased.

So a fire medic (who we love to hate here) treated her very very well. Isn't that an oxymoron.

Well put Ruff. I'll give you an informal +1.

We tend to look at things from the viewpoints of our own experiences. In one area, the single roles may be completely inept, while in another area, the fire medics are idiots. We pattern our opinions based on what we see and experience- that's natural.

Yes, there are some generalities that could probably be applied to the vast majorities of areas, but you also need to be careful of such blanket statements- there are always exceptions to any "rule". I give everyone an even chance, but once you show me you are an inferior provider- either by skills, attitude, or bed side manner, I no longer trust you.

Talk is cheap.

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Heres what we can complain about

1. Poor educational standards

2. Poor relicensure requirements - each state should have the same level of hours for each cert. 150 hours in 5 years for medic or so on

3. Poor airway skills resulting in missed intubations

4. Abhorrant driving skills even from seasoned EMS drivers

5. Medics/emts/firefighters and the like who are theives

I put complaining about a television show (trauma) or House that puts us in a bad light at the bottom of my list.

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What I still don't get is this:

Why are people so hung up on titles? It's not like there's any more glory or praise in a 'superior title'.

Like it or not, according to the NREMT and NHSTA a Paramedic's actual title is NREMT Paramedic or EMT-Paramedic. So essentially a Paramedic IS an EMT.

Rather than quibble about titles, we SHOULD be banding together to increase educational requirements, health and safety issues and compensory wages (just for 'openers').

The sooner we stop worrying about badges (and other shiny things on our uniforms) and who works for what kind of service (volunteer, fire based or private carrier), the sooner we can start working on the true 'issues' we face as health care providers.

Through the miracles that happen on television, the cops can solve a case in a half hour to an hour, forensics results are instantaneous; the bad guys ALWAYS get caught. Additionally, firefighters can take out a fully involved structure (no matter how large) in an hour and no one gets hurt or goes to the hospital.

EMS will always show up at the 'right time' and everybody lives (at least till the doctors get ahold of them). Doctors can diagnose ANYTHING and cure everybody.

Since we all live in 'the real world', let's leave Hollywood out of our daily stressors! It's 99% schlock, and people need to realize its true nature; and leave what they see on television left in the 'For Entertainment Purposes Only' column!

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