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TRAUMA - Episode 7, 9 Nov 09

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1) Glen admitted he messed up, causing the ambulance crash.

2) How often in real life, as in "reel' life, someone not involved in someone else's dispute gets hurt, in this case, shot.

3) It is never a good thing when a cop gives anyone, even one who deserves it, a "tune-up".

4) Nancy and Glen refuse to take the "tune-up" patient? Perhaps they want to avoid any further contact with the cop doing the beat down?

5) Now a minor detail of the story line, Boone's partner discusses his breakup with his boyfriend, over going "Green"?

6) "Flygirl" Marissa's boyfriend makes me uneasy, telling Rabbit he kills people for a living, even though he is in the military.

7) 2 guys in car in MVA, but 1 was refused Medevac? I'd think the JAFO could have been put off the helo that 2 could have been taken at 1 time.

8) Rabbit continues CPR on un-salvageable Aortic Tear? Dramatic effect, or just blind dedication to hopeless cause?

9) "Tune-up" being investigated. Good. However, Nancy and Glen should have thought out that they would be called, and gotten the story together before being told not to talk about it. 2 stories didn't jive.

10) MVA patient understandably hysterical over being told his buddy died, after Rabbit's "assurance" he would be OK. However, a chemical "restraint?"

11) Glen in trouble with other EMTs and Paramedics for spilling on the cop.

12) Injury becoming Domestic Violence, good move calling cops. Then deteriorates into moving hostage situation, perhaps. Ambulance in pursuit? Really?

13) Nancy and Glen seem to be doing a lot of claim-jumping of calls, taking over the hostage situation.

14) How many LEOs have semiautomatic rifles in regular patrol cars? Now, thieves will be breaking into unattended cop cars, looking for the heavy artillery.

15) Oops, now our bad cop interferes with the EMS crew, following it by assaulting Glen. Not followed up on, but Glen can bring assault charges on the cop.

16) On realizing there were cops in the bar, Glen never should have entered. Likelihood of real "Battle of the Badges" looming.

17) Rabbit made good point on how the incident would get large type "stupid" if everyone didn't back down, including himself.

18) MVA surviving patient not "secured", and angry enough to assault someone while looking for his DOA buddy.

19) I think I should have seen it coming that Marissa's "Door Gunner" boyfriend would bed her down.

20) Classy, yet somewhat sleazy, touch to let him have a good time before turning him over to the MPs for being AWOL. Wait, she didn't turn him in, she made it easy for him to surrender. Charges will not be as severe that way, when he gets the court marshal.

21) Now an EDP patient gets kidnapped to morgue by Rabbit, who admits he lied to calm down the survivor saying the DOA would be all right. Now, all trust by family members/bystanders of field crews eroded due to that episode and comment.

22) Known EDP approached without PD backing? At least in protecting Nancy, possible justification in Glen giving someone a "tune-up". I emphasize, "Possible".

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Tomorrow they are filming a SWAT and bank robbery scene in Oakland. There are public announcements for people not to call the police if they see these idiots running around with guns.

This episode will be called "Tunnel Vision". For playing with guns in Oakland, that seems to be an appropriate title. Considering the reputation of Oakland, this season could end sooner if certain members of the community don't get the memo.

Edited by VentMedic
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