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The inventor of the Epi-pen has passed


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As some of you know I'm part of a living history group called the SCA. This just came through on our message board for the local chapter. I figured it does kindof relate to us so I would foward it to here.

"The gentleman who invented the EpiPen, Sheldon Kaplan, has passed away. He lived in Clearwater, Fla and died of Hepatocellular carcinoma, a liver cancer, on Sept 21. He was 70 years old. I wonder if he had any idea how far that invention would go and how many lives he saved by working on a nerve gas antidote dispenser."

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I join the international EMS community in mourning.

I've been trained to use the device, but have, luckily, never needed to.

Personal but open sidenote to Gypsy:

As some of you know I'm part of a living history group called the SCA. This just came through on our message board for the local chapter.

1) Was he also a "Scadian"? I went, "garbed", to a few events, but never formally joined.

2) Are you a "Kyurgian"(spelling?) in the society?

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Wow.... the epi-pen has saved my life on two occasions. Truely a great loss to EMS and society...

Although now I carry the twin-ject the original epi pen is what we have on units and are trained on.

Thank you for posting Gypsy

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I join the international EMS community in mourning.

I've been trained to use the device, but have, luckily, never needed to.

Personal but open sidenote to Gypsy:

1) Was he also a "Scadian"? I went, "garbed", to a few events, but never formally joined.

2) Are you a "Kyurgian"(spelling?) in the society?

He was not a SCAdian but a man that we all have a certain amount of thanks to. Our Kingdom Chirugeon has had her life saved by an epi-pen a few times at events.

I was a Chirugeon for about 4 months before something happened that caused me to turn in my badge and vow to never again carry one. I am much happier being unoffical and just letting people know I have a kit with me. This isn't the place to hash on that though. PM me and I'll explain that one.

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