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Do the criminal charges here make sense?


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So if I take a picture of myself and send it to someone it's pornography? If I'm a minor and they're a minor it's CHILD pornography?

Administrator and justice system FAIL. Lawyers will have a field day with that one.



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What pisses me off is the fact of how the pictures were found.

Take away my phone during school, sure I am ok with that. But what gives you the fucking right as a school employee to start scrolling through my personal effects??!!! What high and mighty road this certain person has taken and for what reason were they looking?

Usually those that persecute the hardest are guilty themselves.

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What pisses me off is the fact of how the pictures were found.

Agree completely, though I'm not on board with kids having protection against locker searches and such.

...Usually those that persecute the hardest are guilty themselves.

I like that quote a lot.

This is insane. Kids will be kids, exploring sexuality is part of being a kid. Welcome to the new age of playing doctor.


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This does seem a little tad on the insane side of the norm.... I don't think school officials have any right to go through backpacks/cell phones/personal computers because the student owns them... parent owned different story.... lockers and school owned and school property to be searched.

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AK, I agree...that's crap. The difference between a cell phone and a locker on school grounds is...frankly the locker is school property. The phone isn't, and I'm not sure how the cops are able to admit that as evidence, as the original "act" (use of the cell phone) only breaks school rules, vs the law...where is the probable cause for search? Even more so if they are a minor? I don't see it panning out successfully for anyone but the teens. Although...it should not excuse the act, but I'm thinking it's a stretch for a "high" level of crime as child porn.

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The more I think about this, the more it angers me.

I could seriously branch out on a related tangent but for now will hold to this story.

I want to know more about the person who did the scrolling through the phone. Ask them what they were looking for...."well I, um, I was looking for..." for what were you looking???? What gave you the notion, the right to think you could take someone's phone and start scrolling through it?

How would you feel if you had dropped your phone and a student found it and they decided to scroll through it before turning it in?? Or if the student did turn it in, but the principal or some other employee decided to scroll through it?? What about that?

What if you had one of those cutsie toilet shots that we parents all seem to take of our kids at one point or another? Child porn!!!!

Regardless, I think this particular individual dug through the phone and found exactly what they were looking for, perverse judgment indeed. I would be willing to wager this person has some files on their personal computer that they would rather no one ever find. Wave the flag on others and distract them from yourself, typical persecution mentality that goes back 1000's of years.

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That's messed up. But the charges are correct. Stupid to actually prosecute on this. That's totally F'ing up someone's future, having a child porn charge b/c their friends sent them pics.

I guess the problem I have is that they are being charged with creating and dispersing photos of minors, and if that is true, as the pictures are of themselves, can you be held responsible as a minor? Yet if they've decided they are close enough to adulthood to charge as such, then shouldn't they be allowed to dispurse their pics as they choose? Seems like a paradox, but I'm not big on law stuff...


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