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Child, unconscious, unresponsive........

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It's approximately 17:30 hours, and you respond to "unresponsive child". Upon arrival at the scene, you find an 8 year old girl, unconscious, unresponsive, and diaphoretic. She got off the school bus at grandma's house around 16:30, and was feeling fine. She told grandma that she had fallen on the playground at school earlier that date, and asked grandma if she could have a band-aid, then went out into the backyard to play.


Pt unconscious/unresponisve on ground in back yard.

No radials - B/P 50 palp

Monitor - Sinus Tach at 140 - no ectopy

D-Stick - 112

RR 18, pulse ox 94%, lungs clear

Skin pale and diaphoretic

No hx, no meds, no allergies -- perfectly healthy child.

There is no evidence of trauma, fall, insect sting, or overdose --- playmates state she just passed out.

Go for it ......................................

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Lung sounds are clear and equal -- respirations are shallow, most likely due to current condition. If all you did was the treatment that you first stated kaisu, you would probably improve the patient's condition, but would be embarrased upon arrival at the ER. Keep thinking about the cause. It is not obvious, but this was a real call, and could happen again very easily.

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