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Politicians trying to Mislead Public about AEMS Pay


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Job one for politicians is to get re-elected.
(Adam Clayton Powell, being either quoted or paraphrased)

Job two is to try to avoid taxes being raised. This usually means, if they could cross train everyone who is currently a Fire Fighter, LEO, or an EMS personnel, to handle all 3 jobs, they would, and pay one man a raised salary, instead of 3 men at their combined salaries. The one man would still be less cost than the 3.

(That was clumsy, but I think I got the idea across)

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Ok so heres a question for someone who may be better versed in ambulance billing and polotics. Where the hell does all my money go after my wallet is raped for a transport? I see bigger ambulance bills than hospital bills.

I know I can probably break it down; gas, maintinence, equipment/drugs... etc. but with the money EMS pulls in how can they not afford to pay employees more? Im obviously not talking about small organizations though.

But my point is... unless its a private fire department, I dont pay a bill for fire services and Ive never gotten a bill from PD either. Of course Im sure this is why they get all the grants. But after buying new toys they still manage to pay their guys better?

In 911 services you will find that the majority will never pay for their transport. Most patients with Medicare and Medicaid actually will not qualify for ambulance unless a service documents fraudently, it is clearly brought out if they could have gone by any other means they should have and not having a car is not what that means. Then the few that qualify for the transports the service will only receive a very percentage of what is billed. So in reality to have quality 911 EMS will always require tax support.

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