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Quick question, does anyone know if Cataldo hires part time (weekends and, maybe, 1 weekday)? I might be looking to get back into the game in a few months once my research schedule settles down.

Boston is a pretty great city and everyone is right about the driving. I lived in Texas where they drive like complete maniacs and this place blows them way, WAY out of the water!! It's a confusing city to learn as well because it isn't on any sort of grid or pattern...very confusing and easy to get turned around.

Coming from California (land of speed limit=65, speed of traffic=80), I had the exact same reaction. Don't forget about the fact that Boston despises lane markings and street signs.

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so even if I am a paramedic if I get hired by boston ems I have to work as a basic?

then after one year i *might* be promoted to paramedic?

So because somebody just fell of the paramedic turnip truck, it's their "right" to practice ALS in someone else's system?

How crazy would it be if you were a paramedic working on a Boston BLS rig, and you had a patient that needed some ALS skill/drug to save them but you couldn't do it?

What you should have been doing already- take them to the hospital. Maybe you can meet up with ALS on the way, maybe not.

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So because somebody just fell of the paramedic turnip truck, it's their "right" to practice ALS in someone else's system?

What you should have been doing already- take them to the hospital. Maybe you can meet up with ALS on the way, maybe not.

LOL, what if you had someone choking and the particle wasn't removed by thrusts. You really needed the Mcgill's. That 5-10 more minutes transporting could mean life or death. Or how about that bad allergic rx I know we have all seen.

I'm not knocking Boston I hear it's great it's just weird that I would have to g back to BLS if hired by them even though I have years of experience in a bigger city doing urban ALS.

This is no way to knock Boston EMS, cheers to you guys.

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If I recall, Boston EMS was set up under the Boston Health and Hospitals Corporation, which, in turn, was a copy of the old NYC HHC EMS. What follows is old NYC EMS policy.

With that in mind, under the pre-FDNY/EMS merger policies, even a full experience Paramedic had to work a minimum of a year in EMT title, presumably to "get their feet wet" in NYC EMS protocols, before being retrained to the Paramedic standards of the NYC EMS.

Dust can probably appreciate this one. EMS was saying, in effect,

There's the right way, the wrong way, and the Army way!
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Yeah Richard, its kind of like that! :) Fortunately for us when the Health and Hospitals Corporation was dissolved we became part of the Public Health Commision as opposed to FD. Just because we have that similarity doesn't mean the Yankees don't suck though. :lol:

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Yeah Richard, its kind of like that! :lol: Fortunately for us when the Health and Hospitals Corporation was dissolved we became part of the Public Health Commision as opposed to FD. Just because we have that similarity doesn't mean the Yankees don't suck though. :lol:

If it weren't for the fact that I would be in the heart of Red Sux Nation, I would consider Boston EMS for employment.

Then again, when I'm up that way in the summer, I'm going to 'Nuf Sed McGreevey's Pub on Boylston St.

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