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Working at a fair


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You squeeze half a tube of oral glucose on a tongue depresser and after convincing the man it will help. On the way to the hospital, the man tells you, that morning he had eatin and taken his BGL which was normal, he had told you he has had the flu for about a day and a half and threw up after eating. Then walked to the fair.

His Altered Mental Status drastically cleared up. His pulse slows. And he is stable. You have a nice ride to the hospital, talking about wrestling. The man leaves the hospital almost as soon as he is wheeled in.

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The patient states in slurred speech, "The aliens are coming and this is where i came to get picked up. They told me to come here."

As you assess the man from a stepping distance you reach to grab his wrist you let him know what your doing, you notice his skin is cool and clammy, and his pulse is a little fast at 108. You look at his clothing, chunky vomit is gathered on his sleeve and collar but you cannot smell alchohol on his breathe. You notice he has a small bandaide on one of his fingers.

The man pushes the officer and says, "THEY ARE DEFINITELY COMING! OH MY GOODNESS!" the man falls to his knees and states, "my shoe is eating my foot"

The man sits crying as his shoe is sapposibly eating his foot, the police officer removes the mans shoe and out falls a half filled bottle of Pepto-Bismol.

You manage to calm the man down. Your partner tells the man, "i have a space ship, and you can come with us if you want." The man states, "ok"

You go and get the ambulance as your partner gets a set of base line vitals.

Skin is cool and clammy

Blood pressure is 128/82

Pulse 110

Resp 22

Pupils Normal and reactive

Mental status: Patient is alert and oriented, he follows instructions.

History: patient states he was probed by aliens.

Well the first thing I'd do is set up a landing zone for the alien ship. This is a job for the Men in Black. Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones anyone?

But seriously this dude needs some haldol. 5mg IM.

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Some of us, on our down time, go to the movies.

Will Smith played a top secret organization operative dealing with extraterrestrial visitors, both friendly and hostile, visiting us here on Earth. For reasons of not standing out, he, and all the operatives, were simply dressed in black suit jackets, pants and tie, with white shirt, and sunglasses, hence the name of the movie, "Men In Black" or MiB. You know, basic nondescript government agent "uniform".

This was before he portrayed a fighter "Jock" who flew a captured UFO into an alien "Mother Ship" in "Independence Day".

And my lineman reference was Richard Dreyfuss, playing "Neery" in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind".

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