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Trustworthy First Aid


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Have you ever worked with somebody that if it was you yelling for "First Aid" and they showed up you would want to start yelling "Second Aid, Second Aid"? :sad1: :dontknow:

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I have just the one in mind, if I was dying they dare not touch me. Afterall what can one expect from an Ambulance crew that puts three leads on the patients clothing instead of their skin!

Your full of crap. No freakin way. Please say it aint so. No wonder our profession can not make progress.

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I have just the one in mind, if I was dying they dare not touch me. Afterall what can one expect from an Ambulance crew that puts three leads on the patients clothing instead of their skin!


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Although it doesn’t surprise me… Why are first aid doing ECG in the first place? Clearly ECG is not a first aid procedure… At least they were trying to do something, some of the people I work with will just stand there and scream for help over the radio…

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Although it doesn’t surprise me… Why are first aid doing ECG in the first place? Clearly ECG is not a first aid procedure… At least they were trying to do something, some of the people I work with will just stand there and scream for help over the radio…

If it's a crew on an ambulance, chances are they aren't just trained in first aid. However, keep in mind, in many communities in the US, ambulance services are called first aid squads, etc. Just something carried on in name through the years. Rescue Squad, First Aid Squad, Life Saving Crew, etc. stems back to the days of Julian Wise.

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There's been a few medics I've worked with that I would let them put a band-aid on my dog. But one in particular...where would I start? He defib'd a guy on the wrong side, tried to start an IV in the back of someone's hand (it was a tendon not a vein he was aiming at), just little things like that. He reminded you of Frank Burns on M*A*S*H*. No matter what it was about, he knew more about it than you did. Not only did I work with this guy, but I had to share an apartment with him above the ambulance building for about a year and a half. Either I was going to jump out the window or shove him out.

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I've got one in mind. Won't put out too many details but let us just say that some of us considered writing "living wills" stating death before "this guy whose name rhymes with Dead"...

He's grown up a touch now... but he's still a *really* bad EMT... and before that, I hear he was a *terrible* first responder.



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