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JEMS Games?


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Anyone here ever participated in the JEMS Games? I went to the conference in Baltimore last year and watched the final round- it seemed like a pretty fun (albit nerve racking!) thing to try. My friends from work and I were considering entering this year.

Just wondering if anyone here has ever participated. Maybe they can share some of their experiences, how to best prepare, etc.


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At least when the Yankee says it, its sped up a little bit.

"Nooooowwwww lissssssten herrrrrrrreeeee, boyyyyyyy...... <30 second pause for dramatic effect> BEEEEEEE ELLLLLL ESSSSS BEEEEEFFFFOOOOOORRRRRREEE AYYYY ELLLLLLLL ESSSSSSSS...." Okay, okay, while I'm young, huh?

(Its funnier when I do the voice)

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Hi Fiz,

I'll have a go for you at a serious reply. I was directly involved in the games this year. I was one of the international judges. I don't remember any yankees being involved, by the way :lol:

The competition is quite fiercely contested and in order to get anywhere near the finals you have to complete quite high scoring during the preliminary rounds. You are judged not only on your clinical skills but also how the team works as a whole, something which a lot of people tend to forget.

It would not be appropriate for me to go into any specifics, as you can imagine but I can say that it requires a lot of practice and teamwork. Oh, and one more tip: pay attention to the small details as well.

Last but not least, it is fun and the prizes are not to be sniffed at , either. The winners were sent to the Gold Coast in Australia for a conference on pre-hospital care. That's got to be worth haivng a crack at, surely.

Oh, and by the way; I'm not judging in March next year, but I will come and cheer you along!


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