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Teachers and cell phones

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Brent, I assure you that she is a female.

I will send you a picture of her if you want, but I'll only send it to you.

Then you can confirm or deny that she's a woman.

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If teachers are allowed to have cell phones on their self for "emergencies" then so should the student and for the exact same reasons. It is rude and disrespectful for those students that are choosing to be in that classroom and paying for their time (ie, Ruff's situation).

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Isnt this kind of the pot calling the kettle black? How many EMTs Medics, and Firefighters do we have here who wear more comms power on their belts than a small city's 911 center. Face it..most of us could get by with a pre-paid Nokia but we have our half-caff, no foam, solar-charge alpha-numeric capable, nation building, EKG interpreting personal assistants on our hips. Does your post have phones? If they have a no personal calls on company time policy then we should be able to look at all of the complainants cell phone ins and outs while they are working and there should only be emergency related calls to and from your supervisor. Right? Come on...Its hard to believe this non-sensical conversation is occurring in a forum on EMS. EMS providers alone produce enough EMP pulses to stun a fleet of Boeings out of the sky and we're complaining about teachers who are on their feet 8 hours a day, have to talk to irate parents during "breaks," deal with discipline during their "lunches" and as a professional statistic have a high rate of urinary disorders and disease than any other because they cant even leave the room to go to the rest room. And then its about football coaches, and then its about them getting slapped on the butt. And referring to them by name in public forum and emailing their photos around? What's going on here? Are all of you that are whining at an EMS convention sponsored by Jaegermeister? Anyone who has never made or taken a personal, non-emergency post while working make the next post? And Im catching abuse in chat? Quit whining and go back to work.

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Teachers should follow the same rules as the students. But me being a CELL PHONE person, I have to say taking my cell away is a good way to get your A$$ kicked. :twisted: :twisted:

SPENAC :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

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and as a professional statistic have a high rate of urinary disorders and disease than any other because they cant even leave the room to go to the rest room. And then its about football coaches, and then its about them getting slapped on the butt. And referring to them by name in public forum and emailing their photos around? What's going on here? Are all of you that are whining at an EMS convention sponsored by Jaegermeister? Anyone who has never made or taken a personal, non-emergency post while working make the next post? And Im catching abuse in chat? Quit whining and go back to work.

Why don't you quit whining and stay on track. Cell phones are great. There is no problem using them outside the class. There is no problem using them when you do not have patient in the ambulance. Knowing Ruff changed her name. Also he did not post pic. Also he said she was hot and I asked a legitimate football question.

As far as not getting a bathroom break. Get called in the middle of the night, pick up your patient and transport 90 miles, then you'll know full exploding bladder.

This place has become so full of whiners and cry babys complaining about whiners and cry babys that oops :oops: sorry never mind.

Lighten up.

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