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Posts posted by kyle308

  1. dang man that thar aerosol it like bababoom dang ol fuel air explosion i tell you what and them guys with the gas it like too much gas man booooom heh big ol fireball can see it from the space station or something and them arab guys dang ol cant even drive them thar ambulances like they need some ol NASCAR drivers over there I'll tell you what


    y do i have an odd feeling im being made fun of in some way. :?:

  2. :D You never know who is reading what you write, and I'm not so sure I like people talkin behind our backs,,,,,, Unless of course it's talkin like yall are! Thank you very much for the nice comments. We really appreciate seeing and hearing comments like the ones on this page. The song "The Angel" is about the only way we new to express to the public what we as Medics think or feel. Words don't describe it, but with music, the public gets alot better idea. Thanx again. By the way, we are working on a CD, but are not really sure when it will be available. Hope you don't get dissinterested. Have a Goodun' and Be Safe.

    William Pope NREMT-P

    OMG there here (in virtual person)

  3. Kyle, you're going to come to understand (hopefully) someday that people that have an intelligent critique of you and your opinions are your best friends. (If you don't think his opinions are intelligent then knock his weewee in the dirt next time he's wrong. I'll bet he'll thank you for it.)

    The fact that he enjoys it just makes it fun...and funny.

    Run away from people that tell you you're doing everything right...they are helping you fail.

    I want to be better tomorrow than I am today...I can't be my best by myself, unless being by myself is my goal.

    Dust may get under your skin, but I guarantee you that you are smarter today because of him...And the others like him.

    Keep your chin up, the fact that you keep coming back speaks volumes about you....


    EDIT: for spelling...sheesh.

    lol! i never said anything against Dust hes awesome i think hes hilarious.

  4. See, kids... this is what happens when you jump into a conversation already in progress, making assumptions you have zero evidence to support. If our new friend had bothered to actually read a little around here before appointing himself my psychoanalyst, he would have known that I criticise paramedic education as heartily as I criticise basic training. They both suck.

    Ha! Get over yourslf. :)

    so true you yell at everyone (no matter there training) just for the fun of it

  5. lol i feel like my department blows now... all they give us is depending on when you join, you willl get a blue T-shirt that has our department name, ans or a polo that is either blue or green and has the department name. as for gear and what not we have 2 EMTs at the department who are also firefighters and have fancy blue turnout gear. other than that we just show up in whatever...Well the paramedics have sheriffs department uniforms they wear

  6. This one isn't so much for education, but it's awesome for practice. It doesn't seem to open well in Firefox but works well with IE for some reason.

    Dynamic Cardiac Rhythm Simulator

    And Dale Dubin's book Rapid Interpretation of EKGs 6th Edition rocks. Just an all around good book for that kind of thing in my opinion.

    lol that things fun. its amazingly hard though when you know absolutely nothing about ECGs though

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