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Everything posted by UKMedic1

  1. I fully support what Scott33 has said. I woud also add the following thoughts. The original post said the car was "totalled". European cars are designed to collapse in the event of a collision - crumple zones are built in to the vehicle to disperse the energy, so the car may appear severely damaged even though the impact speed was not that high. It is also highly possible that in addition to the higher autonomy of the paramedics, your uncle may have been seen and assessed by a BASICS doctor (immediate care specialist) on scene andclinically cleared in the same way as he would be in hospital. Finally, the most telling part of the story is that the collision involved a police vehicle. I smell a fishing trip for a lawsuit here.
  2. Nice to see a few familiar faces on here, regular visitors to ambulance999.co.uk will know me by another name, but I'm going to let you figure that out when i post stuff....
  3. For colleagues moving to a new job: Roses are red Soot is black Please f*** off And don't come back.
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