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Posts posted by BushyFromOz

  1. Wouldn't putting 2 RNs on a rig be raising the standards? Why just go for double medic rigs when we could just as easily go for 2 nurses? Or Doctors?

    Don't get me wrong. I am all for raising the bar. I wouldn't trust half of our medics with my family let alone our EMT-B's. But where do you draw the line? Just a question thats all. If 2 EMT's is not as good as 1 medic/1 emt or 2 medics, then why should we be happy with 2 medics when we could just as well go higher and require all medics to be trained as RN's? And after that go up from there. Who says that the highest level of care in the field has to be a Medic?

    Do you not think pre-hospital care is a specialist field? Tell me how RN's or Dr's recieve specific training and education relevent to the field of pre-hospital care?

    This is not really raising the bar, its making an standard that is irrelevent to the field the standard is made for.

  2. No disrespect to Medics but where do you draw the line?? With those arguments would it not be better then to have nothing by MD's respond to calls? They are far more educated than medics. Or how about nurses? That is a much closer step up but they do have far more education as well... If we can find the money for 2 medics then why not 2 docs. or 2 nurses? It has also been shown that bls providers have higher save rates on severe trauma calls because the spend less time trying to diagnose the pt and are much more likely to load and go.

    Do you not feel that pe-hospital care is a specialist field?

    The BLS have more save rates on trauma is a pretty simplistic analysis of whatever data your using..could it be that ALS only gets the patienst where BLS goes "Hmmmmbit to messed up for us, better they handle it?" whats the variabls here?

    Any service that sets a standard and its met, they should then continually do systems and input v output analysis and decide if A) The standrd needs to be raised again or :) The way the standard is met needs augmentation.

    No one should say "we are happy with where we are so we are not going to change anything", if its not evolving its dying

    Anyone who argues against raising the standards of the minimum level of education and training is against quality care.

  3. **singing to the tune of "Holy Grail'**

    Woke up this morning, from the strangest dream

    It was the worst loss the poms had ever seen

    They come to Oz and they lost the holy grail

    Started out seeking fortune and glory

    Its a ahort song, but its on cricketing glory

    And we beat the crap outta the poms, for the holy grail

    Well have you heard about that fatefull day?

    They tried to bat, but knew not how to play

    Yeah they played on knowing that theyd lost, the holy grail

    All the locals cheered, when Flintoff got bowled

    They played so bad, that they'd already known

    That they were about to lose, the holy grail

    We were full of beans, and they were dying like flies

    And the crowd screamed, when warne bowled the last guy

    And barmy army, yeah well they started to cry

    You know i, i ve been searching for an easy way

    To say "try again another day"

    I cant say it nice, i know

    But you played like drunks from skid row

    You cant play cricket i know.....

    I follow the aussies

    God knows, their his team

    The poms were alone, they'd lost miserably

    And were still here, we won back the holy grail!

    Just to remind you, yeah


  4. Sorry....just let me get this out of my system..........


    Wait wait......can you hear that sound...??? It's the sound of.....


    I've paid my dues -

    Time after time -

    I've done my sentence

    But committed no crime -

    And bad mistakes

    I've made a few

    I've had my share of sand kicked my my face -

    But I've come through

    We are the champions - my friends

    And we'll keep on fighting - till the end -

    We are the champions -

    We are the champions

    No time for losers

    'Cause we are the champions - of the world -

    I've taken my bows

    And my curtain calls -

    You brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it


    I thank you all -

    But it's been no bed of roses

    No pleasure cruise -

    I consider it a challenge before the whole human race -

    And I ain't gonna lose -

    We are the champions - my friends

    And we'll keep on fighting - till the end -

    We are the champions -

    We are the champions

    No time for losers

    'Cause we are the champions - of the world -

    I almost feel sorry for this bloke below. but i think he says it all if your a pom



    The again, we whooped their backsides so these guys below are legends!



    The end story is, the holy grail of cricket has come home to gods country!



    =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/


    =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/

  5. What's the deal with all the chicks and horses here lately? :?

    Dude! Dont you know!

    Just think of all that horse riding how strong their hips, thighs and PV floor muscles are from that crazy little hip action you get while horse riding :shock:

    Makes for happy times.............. :)

  6. Come on, Bushy. That's the most absurd thing I've ever heard you say.

    I agree, not worded well at all. I was trying to point out that what people see in the media that they draw conclusions from is not what is actually occurring

    My bad

    P.S. Being thrown in as being on the attack with Zippy hurt man :? This was deffinately not my inention :)

  7. I don't think anyone owes us anything. We are good at what we do and if the rest of the world can benefit from it, great. What bothers me is the hippocracy of the people who have no problem using our goods and sevices but will be the first to try to tear us down. I don't need someone to go around saying was are awesome, I don't need someone praising us, I don't even want a thank you. Just don't put us down because you have become dependent on us. If you don't like us, that's fine, you are entitled to your opinion, but then you shouldn't benefit from what we provide. (Note: my opinions are totally exclusive of the current administration).

    Im not sayin you are owed anything, what im saying is that we are given the vibes (weather intentionally or un-intentionally) that you are owed something and i'd say its got a lot to do with the media scourge. Your telling me the US motive, im saying what "appears" to be occurring and as a person who is not involved with the US, i'd have to say maybe my view from the outside looking in should be considered more thoughtfully than a "your misunderstanding" statement.

    Third, I wasn't saying other cultures owe us anything. I think the amount of relative bitching is probably justified from your perspective. American culture is flawed, but also an amazing thing. It doesn't do any culture any good to bash the other. I didn't intend to "throw" anything in anyone's face. Nationalism is still alive, in all of us. That's all.

    See above. Its not that you specifically said it or meant it this way, but this is the vibe we non US folk get every day from the TV, radio and newspaper. I dont think this is a culture thing, i think its an "image" thing, and the "image" seen does not match the object beneath.

    European nations have thousands of years of war and social experimentation that lend to their cultural identity. We have 200+ years of history and a hodgepodge of cultures to reference...

    Yep, European chicks are deffinately complicated :)

    There are indeed many parallels in the US and Aussie history. We to are a hodgpodge of cultures and 100 years of slavery......er....colonialism :lol: + 100 years of nationalism, but our relative isolation has given us different cultural demographics, less violent, more sociable and less militarised existance (as well as a lower population :? )

    Nationalism, deffinately alive :wink:

    I was just saying how things "appear" to be, does not mean this is what actually is

  8. Why do you hate the US so much? If so many Europeans hate American commercialism, why do they eat it up? I think it is ironic how so many people say that they hate the US and everything that comes out of it, yet they consume our goods without a second thought

    I dont think its necessarily that people hate the US or commercialism. The problem is with lines like this.....

    It is important to remember that the globalization of US markets is what drives the world. Not many modern nations could afford their comfortable existance without the United States, something which their governments understand all too well.

    Its one thing that you guys have such a driving force and massive pressence in the the world ecnomy. But its another thing when you are rubbing other peoples face in it and doing it in such a way that people are made to feel like they owe you something.

    Innovation and development is driven by need and demand. What seems to be going on here is that people assume of the US didn't exist, we would not have what we have. I disagree, id say someone else just would have developed it instead and another country would have the economical clout instead of yourselves

    Our reward-based system conveniently drives much of current human innovation and provides for a standard of living among most Americans that is unparalleled almost anywhere in the world

    Bah- rubbish! what are you basing this line on? there a many that parallel you, and several that exceed you.

    While I understand that nations such as Germany, France, the UK, etc develop many great technologies, I also understand that having such a behemoth in the game helps. Our government and its citizens functionally support much of the world. Be it through our consumers or extensions of our government.

    Good point, but dont present this in a manner that suggests again that other nations owe you for this. If you globalise and make people dependent on you, you cant then tell them they owe it to you, its not like they asked for it. In some cases, your econimally has bullied others into submission by extending the hand shake in one area, while warning that failure to comply will result in punishements in another which is exactly what happened to australian farmers.

  9. I will expand on some of my research and understanding of the issue but before I do a message to the EBM junkies out there (Bushy, that means you mate among others). Most of this stuff is theoretical and not supported by quantitative research and when you think about it why would it be? Oxygen is free, nobody owns it and there is absolutely no money to be made by researching it, especially the possible detrimental effects of it.

    Ha how thoughtful if you Oz! :P

    Im an EBM junkie? Id like to think that i can at least identify the limitations of EBM and your point on why there is little evidence into oxygen therapy is well taken mate. Interestin reading, very ineresting reading. I welcome more :wink:

  10. I dont get you people....

    A scenario was presented where a BLS person administered a drg SPECIFICALLY Morphine Sulphate

    It has since been proven this is against the law fro the BLS officer to do so

    Now, some of you are tryin to make up scenarios where this would be a valid course of action, being unsuccessful, you have resorted to blaming it on the "paragods" for basic bashing and asked to have th thread locked? Are you adults or children?

  11. I dont know why people are dancing around this topic when it has already been stated that there are clearly defined laws involved the unequivicably show that under no circumstances does the US basic push that med?

    It black and white folks, there no other angle or spin. It is what it is. Follow the law.

  12. Yes. I do not want people who have neither the capacity nor the inclination to educate themselves about the issue to vote, especially if they would rather not vote, but vote because they "have to.' Government elections should not be a high school popularity contest. People should vote for who they think would do better for the country.

    Or they could just not vote at all..

    Interestingly, because people have to vote, they tend to educate themselves about the issues. It doesn't matter which way you look at it, elections are a popularity contest, and the popularity of the candidates is based on the policies and id rather have all of the population voting and voting in a tosser than having half the population voting while the other half whinges that they got a raw deal.

    But this is way off topic......

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