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Posts posted by BushyFromOz

  1. I think the scissors idea is best. Although I'm not entirely sure whether scissors can cut the hairs short enough? and I'm talking about the medical scissors you generally use


    Thats them, honestly, takes 5 seconds and there should always eb a few pairs of these floating sround and they cant go flat, break, jam the only thing they can go wrong is that they are none in the truck

  2. How do the folks who advocate lower extremity lines feel about introducing a wound into the lower extremeities of diabetics?

    About as much as i like seeing proximal veins blown first when people are going to be getting dextrose

  3. Why are you embarrassed about taking your meds, though? If you need them, take them. Take them with reckless abandon and tell anyone who gives you a hard time to take a flying leap.

    See, in Australia carrying a PMDI and/or using a neb a couple of times a day is quite common, we have after all the second highest rate of asthma per capitol in the world. If you were to need either one there would be no questions asked, no would bat an eyelid - its ust acepted, oh well, she has asthma, moving on....

    Im guessing its not very common over there?

  4. Would you be as outraged if the tables were turned and it was a bunch of white guys who didn't get hired because they threw out the written tests and just used the physical agility/ability scores which apparantly the black applicants did better on than their white counterparts?

    Not likely ruff, he only cherry picks the bits that suits him.

  5. wow, very mature. Since I frequently get admonished by admin, can I ask for a little two-way street here. Posters should not be allowed to curse or call people names like this when unprovoked.

    Totally disagree, most every comment you have posted this past fortnight has been designed to ellicit a hostile response.

    You Consistantly post inflammatory garbage, drawing very ordinary conclusions about peoples supposed racism, about the scam that is pharmeceticaul companies, denying the existance and legitimacy of well documented PTSD, therefore calling into question the character / motives of other forum goers, after all, they are just hacks who cant handle the job and are making stuff up, right?

    You're "comments" on ADD and autism stops just short on ridiculing several people in these forums or those in these forums who have children with either one of these. You bogus comments (or dare i call it an opinion?) Stop just a tad short on criticisizing the parenting abilities of people here. I mean, look at your survey, one of the answers directly mentions bad parenting, which you state as your opinion in the PTSD thread.

    You bring up this garbage about providers from younger generation treating monitors and not people, that they lack disciplne and ability to perform thorough assessments

    The entire existance of this ADD thread is to provoke a response and pal, you got it.

    And after all that, im just quoting a much more respectful forum-goer than you or .I Would you like me to link you to the origional comment, or are you happy for me to take the credit for it? Either way, its an accurate statement.

  6. Secondly I have to ask you a serious question. Are you legitimately interested in learning people’s opinions and treatment/management strategies or are you simply "stirring the pot?"

    Its crotchity, this isn't a legitimate question, its a follow up on his comments in the PTSD thread, - PTSD and ADD dont exist, apparently its all crap thats been made up by drug companies.

    So to quote another forum member from that thread, crotchity "you truly are an asshole"

    • Like 2
  7. Thanks guys,

    I apologize if my comments offended anyone. For all i know i may love being an EMT and stick with it. I just worry about how ill react when faced with death. Also coming from a religious background and education i assume it can be hard to "de-humanize" or separate the patient with someone you know.

    Not offended mate, your not to know about the ugly side of the fire/ems debate, but i encourage you look into it, you may be surprised by what you find.

    As for the death thing theres not a lot of info i can give. Your up bringing, family situation, religion, life experiences, personal values and any other variable you will think of will change the way you react to someone else.

    What i can tell you is that it is best to understand that you will not "save a life" very often. You will however improve a lot of outcomes and relieve a lot of suffering but you will rarely be in a position where you can "save" a life. One of the issues newbies have with pre-hospital care is this misguided though ultruistic idea that we run around saving lives on a daily basis, and its just not true. They get bored and burned out by the routine, the BS calls, the long hours and distinct lack of "big jobs" to keep interested and leave. Also, you never de-sensitise or de-humanise or seperate yourself psychologically from dealing with the deceased, you learn to understand the fragility of life and what the chances of *you* being able to save one really is.

    Another thing is to not expect to be doing massive trauma, this impressive glamourous car smashes on the 6 o'clock news are few and far between for a provider. Sure, youll have runs of them but over a career you wont actually do that many.

    As for the smokey thing and being worried about death, i can tell you that as a volunteer smokey not too long ago, i used to wish i could leave with the ambo's instead of babysitting corpses while the police were recovering the deceased, so you will not be less immune as a smokey, in fact there is a chance you will be more exposed as you can neither lessen your exposure to recovery like we can nor as an individual make a large difference to those that are still alive because the real thing we carry that helps people isn't a piece of equipment or machinery, its a Mk1 Brain.

    I guarantee that some day you will wish you could have done more for a patient, we all do at some point, some of us will up-skill, some of us will study harder and some of us will leave because we are incapable of doing better. The question i ask you is whether or not you want to help people or help stop houses burning to the gorund, because one of these job's wil directly impact on people and another is focused on protecting property and limiting insurance claims.

    • Like 1
  8. Dude, i know your new to the whole thing, and you may cop some flak from folks for it, but i'd just ask if you can at least consider and understand that using my profession to become a firefighter is very very bad for m profession?

    I feel like my head wants to explode

    Other than that, welcome to the city, take heed of what guys like mike, dwayne etc have to say and listen closely - it is always exceptional advice that will be immensely useful. Whether or not you want to be FF or an Ambo is sorta irrelevent at the moment, but whichever way you go at least get there properly, and not in a half assed manner.

    Cheers Bloke

    • Like 1
  9. Welcome bloke.

    Hang around, ask questions. Its a good place. the advice here is honest (sometimes brutal) but fair. Its an excellent learning tool if your prepared to take on board what is said. There is a myriad of EMS people from all over the world, UK, Australia, Canada, a few from germany, USA, and theres more than ambo's. A couple of ER docs and nurses here too.

    The combined knowldge here is worth waiting to see :D

  10. I must say I don't get where you're coming from after I've looked at the sheer volume of evidence supporting the claim that Breivik is, in fact, a Christian terrorist. He fashions himself a "cultural Christian", if you're about to dispute his own claims and the facts provided from several sources including his manifesto and general policework, go ahead. As for Bill O'Reilly, it does bother me slightly that you're getting your so-called facts from a man who has repeatedly been exposed as a liar, who when confronted handles the situation by raising his voice, shouting and rambling nonsense. Plead your case.


    Sorry, is that directed at me? My statement is a bit ambiguous, the "truth" bit in my statement wasn't about Oslo specifically but more of a general statement. Even if bill "was" telling the truth (very very unlikely methinks) on any given topic, i still wouldn't pay attention to him...... or Fox news for that matter :D

    As for the this character in norway, i have very little knowledge of it other than a couple of newspaper articles.

    Fox news - fair and balanced? Yeah right....

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