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Everything posted by kristinaemtb

  1. I'm not in here to be perfect-sorry if you can not understand me.didn't know that mis-spelling was such a crime.I am in here for the first time.I didn't know YOUR rules JA
  2. damn excuse me.just tried to state my point-sorry if i didnt say what YOU put in my mind.would you rather write it for me?ridicule me for what?????my opinion?FO
  3. oh and dont forget about some of the dispatchers who eat crayons for lunch!!!! yeah,they get the call,but who does the work?
  4. how about the driver who knows it all because they are always around when "it" happens.
  5. philli has a high call volume but it is usually the morgue getting the ring tones.sorry-my bad didnt mean 2 offend anyone.but it is terrible how much bad stuff happens there.
  6. i thought the test was tricky,but i passed the 1st time.i wouldn't want someone working on me that had a lot of trouble in class.BUT....we had some people that were better at hands on learning(like me)than book learning.i learned from the book don't get me wrong,but i am more hands on(like our job is!!!!)i think everyone learns at their own pace,and some people need to face the facts that maybe they were not cut out for this.
  7. we have registered badges with the choice to where them.they prefer we do....I prefer i dont.we have had shootings because they think we are cops.our unifirm consist of blue button up dress shirts and black bdu's with our black boots.very similar to our po;ice units.they wont open doors for us to come in.if they are high or drunk it gets bad because their train of thought is elsewhere.no to badges
  8. i am an emt.they put me on a truck with 1 paramedic during me being a driver.what use was i to her-none.i think they should only have a driver on trucks that have 2 professionals on board.i appreciate me having the job of driver back then-but they dont help any.as an emt,i get a driver on my truck and they gave me the "blondest" girl.she not even much use as a lifter.
  9. i have 2 jobs because emt in west virginia get paid $6.25 where I live.I have been curious how much they make in other states if you dont mind telling.I know the cost of living can play a factor but cum on..medics make $7.50.we both deserve more for what we all do
  10. i was a phlebotomist before becoming an emt.i went into phlebotomy because i wanted to be in healthcare without having to take care of patients.boy-how did this happen?i'm in just the opposite now.but in a way i'm not---see...i hand over my patient and go on to the next---just like phlebotomy.I enjoy my career but getting paid $6.25 an hour makes me wanna quit
  11. our medical command is strict,they go to the closest facility period.then if they determine a need for transport elsewhere they call u back in to take them-waste of my pt time if the need it.
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