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Posts posted by Happiness

  1. Well been reading this thread on and off today and I have to say that I am a paramedic by all means of the word but I am not and advanced life support or critical care paramedic. Just like Drs they are specialized area's of paramedicine. If a Dr. is a ENT or a GP they are still doctors.

    As for the Hose Monkeys as this was the inital posting I think it is great that they do the training as they have help me so many times on calls. Just having the knowledge makes it easier to direct them to what I need help in and plus they save my back.

    My hubby said to me one day "How come we always get to the scene before you guys" and my answer is because your suppose to so that you get shot at first.

  2. We do this because we are good at what we do no matter what level we are.

    We do this because of the ending of all the ones that survive not the ones that die.

    We do this for our communities because with out us they would have no body to come and help when the need help.

    We do this because god or who ever you belive in knows that you can do it, and do it well.

    We do this because we are naturaly good people.

    And you do Kaisu because you trained hard at something that you really wanted to be, so take thought in all the good ending calls you have had and try to file away the bad.

    When you have time take a nice hot bath with bubbles, and crawl into a nice warm bed and have sweet dreams

    • Like 2
  3. Here is my advise and laugh if you want. Put your self in her shoes and think of what you would want done in a romantice sense for you and do it for her. For example I will send a naughty text to him if I have been working lots or just because. He dosnt like flowers but I do make sure when i cook its all about what he wants.

    But remember you are working and she should understand the long days and nights and also be doing extra things for you, its a partnership.

    Running around the house naked is always fun on day off.

    • Like 1
  4. That aside, here are some questions I have.

    Do you ever regret becoming an EMT? Never wanted to be a medic but I was told I would be good and here I am. 14 years of no regretes

    What is the most enjoyable part of your job? Being able to help the pt and the families of a thank less job, When I get that thank-you it makes it worth while

    What is the least enjoyable? The pts that are abusive because they are pricks and not because of the medical condition they have, you soon learn to tell the difference.

    Do you hold a second job? Yes a full time bean counter (with great employers that let me leave the office) I am in a remote area

    Have you ever felt that your EMT-b course didn't prepare you enough for a certain situation? The one thing that some courses do not cover is the fact that you may not get past A to be able to deal with B & C . This is something that happens and you are left with the feeling that you missed something or did something wrong

    What would you change about EMS if you could? More consitiant training in a timely manner

    What is the most productive way I could spend my down-time? I have my old Text books in the bathroom and read a section when in there.

    Thanks in advance. your welcome

  5. On to Baby Catchin :dribble: remember they are a slippery bundel of JOY and along with the catchers mitt you will need ear plugs(for the pt so she dosn't hear your screams) and some restraints (so she dosnt deck you because dam that child birth hurts)

    Have fun boys

    PS I would suggest that the boys never say "I know it hurts" because unless you have the ability to take your lower lip and stretch it over your head (Bill Cosby) trust me you haven't a clue.

  6. I was sent this from a good friend its a bit of a read but Im thinking the government is going tto have a bit a an issue with other unions. Thanks for the support

    United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union

    300-3920 Norland Avenue, Burnaby, BC V5G 4K7 • 604-683-1117 • 604-688-6416(Fax) • www.usw.ca

    District 3

    Stephen Hunt

    District Director


    FROM: USW DISTRICT 3 - Stephen Hunt, Director

    Brothers and Sisters:

    As you well know, on November 7, 2009 the BC Liberals legislated BILL 21 to end the

    7-month BC Paramedics strike. CUPE 873 members were finishing up their vote on the

    employerʼs proposal when the legislation came down.

    The Vancouver Olympics Organizing Committee put pressure on the government to end

    the dispute before the start of the 2010 Olympic Games. Health Services Minister Kevin

    Falcon says it was because of the H1N1 pandemic, even though five months earlier

    CUPE warned the BC Ambulance Service that ambulances were not equipped to handle

    a pandemic.

    CUPE members were forced to work under Essential Services Orders and have had

    their collective bargaining rights stolen from them. CUPE, the BC Federation of Labor,

    and its affiliates, including the United Steelworkers, are vehemently against the

    draconian actions of the government and its contempt for the Ambulance Paramedics.

    The Paramedics struck for a living wage and for a halt to the reduction of ambulance

    services in our communities. The BC government has been unable and is unwilling to

    address the issues of a deteriorating ambulance system.

    Please find attached an information leaflet entitled “Respecting Our Paramedics Means

    Respect for Our Communities” for further background on these most important issues.

    Please distribute and post these leaflets in your workplace and join CUPE, the BC

    Federation of Labour and its labour council affiliates during any special events in

    support of our BC Paramedics.

    Please send e-mails to BC Premier Gordon Campbell and Minister Falcon to respect the

    Ambulance Paramedics of BC and let them know that you oppose Bill 21.

    Thanks for supporting our BC Paramedics and our communities.


    Respecting Our Paramedics

    Means Respect for Our Communities

    On November 7, 2009 the BC Government rammed through BILL 21 to force the

    Ambulance Paramedics of BC, members of CUPE 873, to end their strike as union

    members were in the process of voting on a contract offer. Apparently influenced by a

    threat from Vancouver Olympics Organizing Committee to seek other emergency

    providers for the 2010 Olympics, the government acted with force to extinguish the

    collective bargaining rights of some 3,500 of our most valued public employees.

    BC Premier Gordon Campbell, Health Services Minister Kevin Falcon and the rest

    of the Liberal government have no respect for our BC Paramedics. They also have

    no respect for vital emergency services that are needed for our BC communities.

    They are treating our Ambulance Paramedics with contempt and have robbed them

    of their collective bargaining rights, forcing them back to work under virtually the

    same conditions they struck for 7 months to change.

    CUPE Local 878ʼs 3,500 members went on strike on April 1, 2009 to seek fair

    compensation in the form of living wages for the vital work that they do. They also

    struck to halt the reduction in ambulance services and the deterioration of the BC

    Ambulance Servicesʼ infrastructure, which has been unable to meet increased

    demands for public services across the province.

    Since 2002 emergency calls have increased by 50 per cent with no corresponding

    increase in the number of paramedics.

    Paramedics in isolated rural areas are paying for their own extended travel times

    and are forced to pay their own expenses.

    Part-time paramedics are paid just $2 an hour to remain on stand-by to save the

    lives of everyday British Columbians and visitors in our province.

    Every day hundreds of British Columbians trust the Ambulance Paramedics of BC

    to be there when they are needed.

    Unable to make ends meet, many Paramedics are leaving the province or are

    seeking employment in other areas of public service including municipal police

    forces or the RCMP.

    • That every day, Ambulance Paramedics risk their lives to protect your health.

    • On any given day, some 20 BC communities may have no Ambulance services.

    • That BC is unable to recruit and train enough Paramedics.

    • That BC Ambulance Paramedics have been

    forced to work overtime, denying them the

    down-time they need to recuperate before

    their next shift.

    • That there is only one Advanced Life

    Support Ambulance patrolling all of

    Maple Ridge, Port Moody, Port Coquitlam,

    Coquitlam and New Westminster.

    • That many Ambulance Stations donʼt meet the BC Ambulance

    Serviceʼs own guidelines.

    • That despite the involvement of a mediator, the BC Government refused

    to appoint an Arbitrator to settle the Paramedics strike.

    • That Health Services Minister Kevin Falcon used the H1N1 pandemic as the stated

    reason for legislating an end to the strike, even though 5 months ago CUPE warned

    the BC Ambulance Service that ambulances were not equipped for the pandemic.

    • That two years ago CUPE asked the BC Ambulance Service for a plan to

    deal with the 2010 Olympics.

    • That billions have been spent to host the 2010 Olympics but average

    citizens will have less ambulance coverage during the games.


    Stephen Hunt, Director

    Scott Lunny, Assistant to the Director

    300-3920 Norland Avenue

    Burnaby BC V5G 4K7

    Tel 604.683.1117


    Attend any Special Events coordinated by

    CUPE BC, the BC Federation of Labour

    and/or Labour Council affiliates

    Send an e-mail to Premier Gordon Campbell

    and Health Services Minister Kevin Falcon.

    Tell them to respect BC Paramedics and that

    you oppose BILL 21

    Gordon Campbell <prremiierr@gov..bc..ca>

    Kevin Falcon <keviin..ffallcon..mlla@lleg..bc..ca>

    Send a message of support to CUPE Local 873 -

    the Ambulance Paramedics of BC

    <sru> iinffo@apbc..ca



  7. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34104180/ns/world_news-weird_news/

    MELBOURNE, Australia - An Australian man was in stable condition Monday after being slashed across the abdomen and face by a kangaroo that was holding his dog underwater.

    Chris Rickard, 49, said he was walking his blue heeler, Rocky, on Sunday morning when they surprised a sleeping kangaroo in Arthur's Creek northeast of Melbourne. The dog chased the animal into a pond but it then turned and pinned the pet underwater.

    When Rickard tried to pull his dog free, the kangaroo turned on him, attacking with its hind legs and tearing a deep gash into his abdomen and across his face.

    "I thought I might take a hit or two dragging the dog out from under his grip, but I didn't expect him to actually attack me," Rickard told The Herald Sun newspaper. "It was a shock at the start because it was a kangaroo, about 5 feet high, they don't go around killing people."

    Kangaroos rarely attack humans but will fight if they feel threatened.

    Dogs often chase kangaroos, which have been known to lead the pets into water and then pin them underwater as a means of defense.

    Rickard said he ended the attack by elbowing the kangaroo in the throat, adding Rocky was "half-drowned" when he pulled him from the water.

    • Like 1
  8. Any one can take the EMR course and be Licensed without working for BCAS. They are being solicited by VANOC (I think I was not solicited as Im a PCP). From what I understand they are being offered 2500 per month w/o travel or accomidations being provided (what a deal) The other thing I dont know is if you apply for the Olympics are you automatically working for the paralympics.

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