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Posts posted by runswithneedles

  1. Its not that I dont know it. Nor I havent read the book. My temp instructor (my usual one was gone for emergency) and the class had conflicting numbers as what was passing. This is my favorite part of the human body is cardiac so I know I will do well since I have practiced the algorithms in my sleep (yes I was dreaming of mega code scenarios)

  2. If there is any chance to relocate for you try western Canada...Alberta in particular. There are plenty of well paying jobs here, although you may have to work in the oil and gas industry, as an EMT B.

    Anyways, check out this site


    Same as here in west texas. When the oil fields are booming. So is their safety industry which is staffed by paramedics mostly

    Such a crazy Kiwi:P Naptown is ok but the only interview I had there offered $9.50 an hour. Living on $9.50/hr when a studio apt goes for 600 a month is not conducive to my good health. Cuz I'd be eating Ramen every day and that's a bit high in sodium and whatnot. Trying to make me hypertensive Kiwi???? ;-D

    Trying working with tigger (me). Ill have you in a hypertensive crisis before shifts over

  3. Do you have a friend with a dually? (Ex. Dodge 3500, ford f350, chevy 3500) ask to see if you can drive it around a bit. Practice backing it up maneuvering it. If you can drive a dually youll be fine so long as you keep in mind the height of the vehicle

  4. Bad Kreamer, Bad Kreamer, Bad Bad Bad, you go to the corner and don't come out till you can spell supercallifragilisticexpialidocious 10 times without spell check.

    theirs no such thing as bad kreamer........As long as it is in my coffee. ;P

  5. Having been here for a little over a month now. I have noticed we have some EMT/Medics that have been in this business for 15+ years. And im sure you have seen your fair share of stupid people doing really stupid stuff that got them in the hospital/OR.

    My most worthy one was a 35 y.o male came in to the E.R (walked in no better). Holding a blood soaked towel over his shoulder. After seeing this the nurse brought him into one of the main trauma rooms. We uncover the wound to discover half of the muscle on the shoulder was gone along with several pellets of bird shot still in lodged in the remaining muscle. When we asked the man what happened he said he was drinking while cleaning his shotgun and after completing his cleaning regiment he loaded a shell to check the firing mechanism. His wife called him into the house and when he put the gun down it misfired.

    Anyone else care to share.

  6. That almost sounds like comedian Steven Wright's question of

    What do you do, when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant?

    peaceful protest? :P

    ROFL... and there was a news feed today spome guy trying to break the record for being buried alive...doed during the attempt;

    Sri Lankan man dies trying to win burial-alive record

    Sounds like darwins theory of natural selection in action

  7. Most emts in this area getting 11.00Hr. The company I work for was giving me 12.

    Denny you are right. Unfortunately, I don't think the pay is ever going to change.

    But until the well dries up and there are no more medics or emts who will work for peanuts and no more medics and emt's who will work for free (volunteers) then the wages will still be in the shitter.

    once the communities and services realize that to provide a service you have to pay a livable wage wake up and realize that then they will continue to pay a non-livable wage.

    The fault is everyone's.

    It's the Onwer of the services because they pay what the market will bear

    It's the communities because they pay what the market will bear

    It's the workers because you accept what the community and owners of said services pay

    This is the one thing that the unions do well. they get a living wage for their members.

    So until many things change, you can count on low wages and poor conditions.

    It's not anyone's fault, it's everyones fault.

    Amen. Ive never been a big fan of unions. But in this case I think they will be the ticket to better the wages.

  8. Im out of ammo. Dwayne where are you??

    What about metabolic acidosis. With failing kidneys and COPD. You have two of the major buffering systems compromised and any pyruvic acid created by the krebbs cycle that is not used degrades to lactic acid.

  9. Whats a muppett.

    Okay. He needs glucose.

    Start iv and give D50

    Does his LOC improve.

    Whats his CBC after the D50 push.

    Can we also get a ph.

    Possible lactic acidosis

    Hepatitis?The metformin might be causing the increased lactate level

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