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Posts posted by itku2er

  1. i would dance in any fashion for rain in this country.

    TPBM is a true partiot (not just when it's popular to be so)?

    Tried and True red white and blue....I am one to the core.... :usa2: :usa2: :usa2:

    TPBM watched Brokeback Mountain........but never told anyone yet

  2. No, I'm saying that it was funny, in some circles perhaps disturbingly funny (see the 1st audio in this post). I nonetheless LMAO! :lol::lol::D Since I found that 'warning clip' which had to do a bit with the one you posted I posted it as well....No offense intended and my apologies if you took it that way.

    out here,


    Nope I took it the way it was intended......as funny...........and TY for coming in to chat and talking .......I like the sound clips i think they are neat.....keep them up .............



  3. OOPS! Sorry about that - I can count, just can't see! Make that 8000.

    :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

    are the eyes failing OLD MAN :?: :?: :?:

    but ya know I love ya still......



  4. Emtcity is 95 members away from 7000. It would be kinda cool to have a pool to guess date and time of the 7000th member. Any ideas for what the stakes would be, and so on?

    I think it would be kinda like The Price Is Right - closest to the right date/time without going over. We might have to enlist admin to get the actual time, and to be the judge, How about it, Boss?

    If you have any ideas about what the winner would get, or a guess - post it here.

    the prize .....a date with me....lmao :D:D:):lol:

    good ideal North.....

    i say the 8000th member will happen june20th at 1500

  5. Learn in high school.. hell, I would love for them to learn this in Paramedics school... I personally believe there should be an essay question on the NREMT/P test stating describe the Kreb's cycle in no less than 250 words....

    R/r 911

    Wow glad you dont write the NR TEST......or at least wait til I graduate the program before you do ok RID?

    but a good site though


  6. Well here where I am from in VA the FD usually does the extracation......but some of us are extracation certified so we do get to help if we want to and another EMT is there to render care....the FD cheif is usually the one in charge so what he says goes....all 4 of our volly FD have crash trucks fully equiped and ready to go....we have 3 dept that are combined fire and rescue...two are volly one is paid.....I have seen the guys on the paid services....leave the ambo and gear up and to do extracation or fight a fire.....depends on the person...but for the most part we do work together when we need to ..we come together as a team........then when all is said and done, we go back to the "My dept is better than your dept" thing...too much politics and egos in this small town...... :D :roll:

  7. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ....bonk (just laughed my head off)

    So this is a problem in the UK also SASH............LMAO :roll: :roll:

  8. Well #1......this is the world of EMS....people dont get sick or need help on a scheduled 9-5 basis. You need to realize this is his job and one that you are either gonna support 110% or walk away from.....you arent in EMS yourself are you?.... He is he new kid on the block there right?...This means like everywhere else no matter what job you are doing you have to prove yourself to the people there....and this allows you the benefits of the days off the pick of shifts and things like that....we all have to pay our dues on that one....it isnt an easy ride......just support him and be patient the rest will fall into place....most things do if you give them enough time to do it..and above all sacrifice is the biggest ......


  9. It doesn't make a difference whether you are a volunteer or paid when it comes to training and industry standards. If a training/education standard is set for all agencies, then all agencies would have to abide by it. Lets just remember that just because you had 10 million hours of training, doesn't mean you are a better provider unless you actually learned something. We need to keep it practical and keep in mind that small towns USA outnumber by far those "urban" area's you all think should be modeled after. The rural citizens deserve the best care their own communities can offer.

    And as a side note.........the paid vs. volunteer thing is nothing but a bunch of crap. There are good/great and bad/terrible providers on both sides......so stop puffing up your chest just because you do it for a living. I do this for a living, but routinely interface or work with volunteers who are just as good as the paid folks. So grow up, move on and discuss a practical standard that would provide good care to all of our country not just urban area's.

    This is a profession regardless of pay.

    I agree that is what i have said all along....as a volunteer I have the same education and pass the same test as a paid person does.....just because i CHOOSE to volunteer does not make me any less trained than a paid person does...nor does it make me an idiot .....and like I have said in the chat......i know what i can do as an EMT I ......and i dont have to prove it to anyone...but to say i am an idoit and dont know crap about EMS cause i VOLUNTEER ....is just plain wrong.....

  10. Rid, I don't know if I am agreeing with your statements for the same reason you wrote them, but I agree.

    :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    Oh no tell me it isnt true....QUINT agrees with RID on something.......never thought this day would come...



  11. I like what Rid said.......for an old guy he is kinda smart....Me I would have to think about this long and hard to and devise a plan and that i am not going to do right now cause is is like TOOOOOOOOOO early in the morning to do that much thinking

    but a good question though one i will follow if nothing else just to get some ideals to try to change some of the ways we do things and maybe make it better ....



  12. This is addicting, I just started it! My best so far is 23, which is crappy LOL!!!! It's a challenge though....




    ADDICTING VERY...dang it just what i need.......i got 15 woo hoo...man this is a challenge....and kim2 if you beat my score which i know you will try.....please fell free to ummm rub it in my face...ha ha ha

    thanks MedicMal i really enjoyed this one....i even invented a couple new cuss words... :lol::lol::lol:

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