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Posts posted by FireMedic65

  1. its a touchy subject... to carry or not to carry. if we lived in a society where we didnt need to worry about being mugged, beat up, raped, etc etc... i could see. i would carry for my own protection. thats it. i doubt i would actually shoot, let alone actually kill someone. i guess it just makes these people feel more safe. i dont necessarily agree with the law though. it just gives people more of an excuse and immunity to shoot someone.

  2. TV Sets, stereo equipment, wallets... Just kidding. We are required to use only department issued equipment, so I don't need to pilfer from the hospital, so usually its only linens, which I try and do on a strict one for one basis. Sometimes I'll take a blanket or something if the temperature has dropped, but usually its not necessary. I think thought I am guilty of swiping alcohol preps here and there. I can never get them at my station and I use them all the time for various purposes, and its NOT because I'm addicted to the smell or something. Shut up.

    I've only really had someone give me a hard time once about taking a sheet, and it wasn't even me, it was my partner. We had brought a patient in and my partner was making up the stretcher and took a, as in one, sheet off of the linen cart. The ER DOCTOR of all people then comes and asks him if we are a part of their system and if not to not take the sheets. My partner then gave him a very strange look but then complied and put the sheet back. We then generally agreed it would kinda of be a step down if not outright degrading to go from MD to sheet police, and maybe he was just having a bad day, and we had a good laugh.

    once in awhile we get crap for taking linen... but the hospital doesn't own the linen.. they rent it or something from a supplier. and its some what shared... i bring in pt that i got linen from one hospital.. i take them to another... they dont wash that linen and send it back to them... they use it. but yea... that is odd the doc gave you crap for taking a sheet... but oh well.. you did the right thing. no biggie.

  3. This is what I was trying to figure out.

    yea... i cant figure that out either.... you are required by the state to have that stuff stocked all the time, i dont recall off hand.. but you need a significant amount of extra linen. if you leave your station not stocked... its your fault.. not the crew before you.. no blaming them for not restocking.. yea they should.. but its your responsibility. i wouldnt leave unless i had all my supplies. thats like leaving without my lp12 or my meds. who would do that? either you need to do a better job, or your employee needs to get off their ass and do something. bc you are in violation of licensure.

  4. (4) Adenosine 6 mg/2ml vials

    (6) Albuterol (Proventil) 2.5 mg single dose vials

    (1 bottle) Aspirin (Chewable) 80-81 mg tablets

    (6) Atropine Sulfate 0.1 mg/ml in 10 cc or 5 cc syringes

    (1) Calcium Chloride 1 g in 10 ml prefilled syringe; 100 mg/ml in 10 cc syringe

    (3) Bretylium Tosylate 10 ml ampules (500 mg)

    (2) 50% Dextrose 25g in 50 ml prefilled syringes

    (1) 25% Dextrose 2.5 g in 10 cc prefilled syringes

    (2) Diphenhydramine HCl (Benedryl) 50 mg/ml vials

    (2) Epinephrine (1:1,000) 1mg/ml vials or ampules

    (10) Epinephrine (1:10,000) 10 ml prefilled syringes (1.0 mg/ml)

    (200 mg) Furosemide (Lasix) 10 mg/ml in various size vials

    (2) Glucagon 1 mg powder reconstituted in 1 ml vial diluent

    (1) Dopamine (Intropin) 200 mg in 5 ml vials, ampules or prefilled syringes; 400 mg in 5ml vials

    (5) Lidocaine 100 mg in 10 ml prefilled syringes

    (6) Naloxone HCl (Narcan) 0.4 mg in 1 ml ampules or 1 mg/ml in 2 mg vials (any combination not to exceed 12 mg per vehicle)

    (1 bottle) Nitroglycerin 0.4 mg (1/150 grain)

    (2) Promethazine (Phenergan) 25 mg/ml 2 ml vials

    (1) Sodium Bicarbonate 44.6 mEq or 50mEq in 50 ml prefilled syringes

    (2) Verapamil 5 mg in 2 ml (2.5 mg/ml) ampule; also 2, 4, or 5 ml vials


    (40 mg) Diazepam (Valium) 10 mg in 2 ml prefilled syringes; 5 mg/ml in 5 or 10 ml syringes or vials

    (40 mg) Midazolam HCl (Versed) 5 mg/ml in 1 or 2 ml vials

    (40 mg) Morphine Sulfate 10 mg/ml in 1 ml tubex


    (3) D5W or NSS 250 cc bags

    (4) D5W or NSS 100 cc bags

    (Minimum 3000 - Maximum 12000) Lactated Ringers Size bags divided at the discretion of the ALS service

    (Minimum 3000 - Maximum 12000) 0.9% Saline Solution Size bags divided at the discretion of the ALS service


    (1) D5 ¼ Normal Saline 250 cc Buretrol

  5. alright, wow.. lots if people writing a lot in this post.. I'll admit it.. I didn't read most of it. so spare me the firing squad if someone already said this. ok, here it goes..

    who cares.. an emt-b is trained to do what they can do, same with a medic. Some medics have higher training to do certain things other medics cannot. does that mean these other medics can't perform these things? YES.. thats exactly what it means. Get the training for the skill... and use it. I'm sure someone will jump on m case for this too.. but yea.. a volunteer BLS squad.. runs lets say 300 calls a year. Having several members "trained" to perform certain skills higher than your general emt-b. Ok.. so one day this "skill" is required.. and UH OH.. they haven't done that in months.. they are confident in doing it now.... what do they do?? OMG here is what.. they wait for ALS to get there? sure.. why not. but now people are going to have an issue with these people having this training, and when it comes time to use it.. they aren't able to for whatever reason. Now that leaves a grey area. They are trained.. but haven't done it for so long.. they can't perform it...

    I guess I'm not making sense.. sorry.. I thought I was at first.. then i started to ramble..

  6. problems i have come across with my o2 was.. in extreme heat on a full cylinder.. was when at night the weather cooled off.. the gauge would read a little lower each night. which we all know why that happens. and where i live, it gets pretty cold, the only problem i have ever had in cold weather was the o-rings becoming damaged from the seal. i recommend leaving the regulator off until you want to use it. or.. just take the bag into your house, station whatever in these conditions. not that hard to carry a bag out the door with you:)

  7. I remain extremely sceptical of the frequency of this need some of you seem to find to break windows on a routine basis. In over thirty years, I still have fingers left over after counting all of the windows I have had to break. Yes, there were plenty that I could have broken if I wanted to. But the fact remains that the actual need to break windows is a lot less common than a lot of low-time rookies here want to believe. If you are breaking windows this frequently, you seriously need to go back for some more schooling, or simply slow the F down and use your head instead of breaking windows on every damn wrecked car you find. If you're making such poor judgements in access and extrication, your medical judgements are also suspect. Think about it.

    And if you're breaking glass, you ought to be wearing gloves anyhow, so the lack of the plastic guards shouldn't be relevant.

    And if you are so into being prepared for every possible eventuality that you would run out and buy Big Shears, then there is no excuse for not having gloves on you too.

    have you ever taken a vehicle rescue class?? we all don't have the dustdevil magic dust to toss over vehicles to make the doors open. doors are locked... pt needs out.. no time to mess with tools to unlock them. ie slim jim.. they only work for certain kinds of locks, MANUAL locks.. and even then.. they are hard to use.. especially with gloves. and breaking the glass is for your own protection, and the patients protection when and if there is a need to pop a door.

  8. ahh yes... i always wash my hands before i go to the bathroom... force of habit i guess.

    i never quite thought of the treating pts that you see in horror flicks, until i watched saw... damn... that would be a pucker factor of 14 out of 10 to treat those pts!!

  9. I was driving home from class last night, and my mind was wondering like always. and I thought this might be interesting. The deal is, just post something funny that could lead us to believe you have been working in ems too long. I'll start it off.

    You know you have been working in ems too much when:

    You see a person on a horror film or something getting mangled up really bad... and instead of cringing, you say to yourself "alright, this is how I will treat them"

    or "oh #^#& I hope I don't have to treat that!"

    maybe this is a lame post.. but I don't care, I am bored

  10. 1. Yourself: Amazing

    2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend?: someday

    3. Your hair: way overdue for a chop

    4. Your mother? Marie, best mother you can ask for

    5. Your Father? Dave, may he R.I.P

    6. Your Favorite Item: don't know

    7. Your dream last night: none

    8. Your favorite drink: soda

    9. Your dream car: Maclaren

    10. The room you are in: warm

    11. Your Ex: psycho

    12. Your Fears: failure

    13. What do you want to be in 10 years: married

    14. Who you hung out with tonight? myself

    15. What You're Not? happy

    16. Muffins: make you poo

    17: One of Your Wish List Items: that special someone

    18. Time: 0743

    19. Last thing you did? typed these words

    20. What You Are Wearing? jean, sock, tshirt

    21. Your Favorite Weather: warm, cool breeze

    22. Your Favorite Book: fiction

    23. The last thing you ate: pizza

    24. Your Life: hectic

    25. Your Mood: scared

    26. Your friends: understanding

    27. What are you thinking about right now? her

    28. Your car: broke

    29. What are you doing at the moment?: doing this survey, duh

    30. Your summer: fun

    31. Your relationship status: single....

    32. What is on your tv? news i think

    33. When is the last time you laughed? don't remember

    34. last time you cried? pass

    35. School? HELL!!

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