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Posts posted by Michael

  1. Except in moments that one feels called to respond vigorously to a direct attack, I have yet to learn how withholding empathy ever benefits anyone. Doesn't mean I always manage to do it, only means that on the whole I know I deprive both myself and the other when I don't.

  2. First off, homo- means "same," so homophobic would mean fear of something or someone that is the same [say, gender] rather than fear of homosexuality.

    Second, as Dust points out, phobos means "fear" rather than "hatred," which is signified by the prefix "mis-" as in misanthrope, which means one who hates mankind.

    Hatred of homosexuality would therefore have to be mis-ANDROKOITES, hatred of having intercourse with a man; mis-ARRENOGAMEO, hatred of those who marry men; mis-ARRENOKOITES, hatred of sodomites; mis-ARRENOMANES, hatred of those who are mad after males; mis-ARRENOMIKTES or mis-ARSENOMIKTES, hatred of sodomites; mis-ARRENOMISIA, hatred of sodomy itself, or mis-ARRENOPIPES, hatred of those who looks lewdly on males.

    Take yer pick.

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  3. the kid should pay half of it out of his own allowance

    That part might make sense to me if it weren't his teddy bear. An essential component of property is the jus disponendi - the right to dispose of what's one's own as one wishes. I don't see how he's responsible for his parents' recklessness, and it seems unwise to train him into expecting them - or anyone - to jump when he says jump. He could, however, start earning the cost of a replacement. But since we haven't yet heard the bear's side of the story, all these judgments are premature.

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