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Everything posted by AlbertaEMT

  1. So, as a rural EMT with ALS chase available let me tell you how my Christmas Eve went. Had a cardiac arrest. EMR level fire is on scene performing CPR. My EMR partner and I (EMT) arrive and note CPR in progress with AED. I run a 4-lead to determine Asystole (AED keeps barking "no shock advised"), gain IV access, insert King LT airway, and continue to monitor the 4-lead and more or less supervise CPR (we had many hands) until the ALS unit arrives almost 30 minutes later to pronounce. ALS did no interventions at all based on time down and definitive signs I mentioned to him when he got on scene. Now, I applied to Paramedic school much earlier this year and was denied admission because I have no ALS experience. We are a BLS only service at this time. Although, I have had Paramedics in our higher levels of command tell me they prefer to work with rural EMT's because our skill levels are usually higher. Even more so when I am the highest level on 100% of our calls until ALS chase shows up, which is usually between 20-30 minutes. But, has at times been longer. Now, you may ask why we are waiting on scene for ALS to arrive. But, if ALS is en route and intercepts with us, we would have to coordinate which route ALS is taking to scene, where they will leave their vehicle, how we will return them to their vehicle, etc. In the case of STARS (Helicopter Medivac), it is generally better to remain on scene where we have an established LZ. So, I have no "experience" assisting ALS on a regular basis. But, I am the person that provides practically all the medical care to patients I am called to . There is the occasional call I can give to my partner, but they are few and far between. I should also mention that we respond to areas that take us almost an hour to respond to in summer weather conditions. And the nearest ALS is 45 minutes from our home station in the opposite direction.
  2. I had one back in '91 that said: Hard Rock Cafe: Baghdad then below that; Closed due to Heavy Desert Storm.
  3. I have used the King LT a couple of times. Very easy to insert. The only time there was a problem, was on an aspiration code. The airway was occluded very far down the trachea. As such, not being able to visualize with a laryngoscope made a King LT insertion difficult. Not that I would visualize for a King LT, but having ALS onscene and able to insert an ETT and do deep suction would have been beneficial.
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