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Everything posted by resqu506

  1. I agree, we have had problems with our program before. They have been weeded out and the medics involved have been delt with, the ones left cannot have riders. Our Explorer leader is very strict on his kids, he knows who is good to ride with, makes his kids stay out of trouble and keep there grades up. We have 4 or 5 medics who were in the program. Over all it is a great program. But, you must be willing to spend a lot of off duty hours with this.
  2. Hey all out there in EMT City land. I am from a small town in Nebraska and of course being from a small town what are we always worried about recruiting. We are trying to look into starting what you would call an Explorer program. This would give those people out there that are of high school age or until 21 stated by our department the opportunity to experience what it is like being an EMT or a firefighter. My question to all of you out there is... does anyone have a program like this already started in your area and if so how or who can I get in contact with to see how they set it up and what the guidelines are with your departments. Yes we have one here, the best place to start is to contact your local Boy Scouts. They will get you started and give you all the info you need.
  3. there are several types of evolution, if you mean we came from a "soup" of stuff from the earth, no I do not.
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