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Everything posted by Gypsy

  1. No sorry hun but you do need to be 18. Where are you taking your class?
  2. Gypsy

    A Special Request

    Good bye and thank you emails went out this morning. :: sniff::
  3. "Wild Mountain Thyme" by- renfaires, Renaissance Europe etc. It's an old song about the coming of summer and leaving of friends.
  4. Gypsy

    I love kids!

    LOL the forms I have aren't that bad. I also brought in the ones I did in school of all made up stuff. Don't worry no real patient info was used. ( Ok that's not fully true I did make fun of myself in one of them lol) They will get to see a completed one and then a blank one. I think they can do it. If they can learn how to take vitals they can do a report lol. To think these are 4 year olds!
  5. Gypsy

    I love kids!

    Ok today I'm going to test my kids on some basics. Including lets see if they can figure out a PCR. :: chuckles:: At this point nothing would shock me. I'll let you guys know who gets a shiny sticker and who gets a normal one.
  6. Gypsy

    I love kids!

    Actually here in Florida almost all medics are firefighters.
  7. Gypsy

    I love kids!

    Don't worry if they try to act like a paragod they go to time out. You don't think I would allow that kind of behavior would you?
  8. Gypsy

    I love kids!

    I'm currently a preschool teacher and my kids never cease to amaze me. This last month the kids have been emailing members of this site with questions and learning more about the EMS system. Today on the playground 3 of the older kids were on the metal fake schoolbus playing "Ambulance". Their names have been shorted to just the first letter for their protection. This is the actually conversation I had with them: Hearing the kids fake a siren I jump onto the back, "Where are we going guys?" E.L "Miss Beth we're playing Ambulance and we're going to J's house. He's sick!" Me,"Oh no what are we going to do?" B, "We're going to go there and ask him questions and take him to the hospital." Me,"What questions are we going to ask?" B, "How does he feel? and what has he eaten? and what was he doing before his mommy called 911." Me, "Wow those are great questions. What can we do for J?" K,"We can give him that mask that has the straws that go into your nose. (( nasal canula for those that don't speak 4 year old )) and we can take his blood pressure with that cuff." B, "We might need to put that needle in his arm because he needs water." Me, "Oh so an IV you mean?" B, " ya an IV." Me, "What else can we do for J?" E.L, "We might have to put the stickers on his chest to make sure his heart is ok." Me, "You mean the lifepack?" E. L., "Ya just to be safe." Me, "Well he might not need that if he's just sick but you should still take it in just to be ready." B., "Ya because an EMT and a medic always brings in their stuff so they have everything." E.L, "After we look J over we're going to put him on the stretcher then drive to the hospital. and we have to call the hospital before we drop him off." Me, "That's right. We always call on the radio so we don't surprize the hospital. The dont' like surprizes. Well it sounds like you have it all planned out. Good luck!." and I hoped off the "truck". I love my kids!
  9. Gypsy

    A Special Request

    Emails went out today! This time the kids are asking about the lifepack 12. Ya they didn't believe me when I said you put stickers on them. If anyone has any normal and maybe a seriously even I can tell abnormal strip they want to see that would be cool.
  10. Gypsy

    A Special Request

    Emails went again again today. These are about IVs and why people get them. Because I know we have a couple of you are firefighters: could one of you do a video of you putting on the gear? I would like the kids to see and if possible hear what a firefighter looks and sounds like.
  11. Gypsy

    A Special Request

    Emails went out again today. Ya I know I cheated when it came to the topic. I set up the papers already for the next emails and those will be EMS related.
  12. What part of Ft. Lauderdale? My husband and I used to live down there in the Hollywood area. It is nice. Though I'll warn you Spanish is very much needed. If you want send me a PM. I know moving to a new area can be scary. Went through that when we moved to Tampa.
  13. Gypsy

    Random Trivia

    Very cool link.
  14. Congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis Thank you wiki! Here's the link to the page if anyone wants to read it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congenital_in...with_anhidrosis
  15. Don't forget to call your mother's today! In other words don't be like how I normally am: forget and call the next day. hehe. I love yahoo for the little graphics each holiday.
  16. Gypsy

    A Special Request

    I know some of them were really good! I'm so proud of my kids!
  17. Congratulations hun! Can't wait to tell my kids.
  18. Gypsy

    A Special Request

    Questions were sent out today! Yes I know there's more questions than pictures. Some kids left early today and didin't get to make a picture to send to you guys. I will be gone from Monday to next Friday on vacation. We have a penpal/guild mate coming from London and we're showing her around Florida. Hopefully Miss Rita or Miss Diana will take over for me for those days I'm gone. I will also be reading the emails just for fun to see how you guys answer.
  19. Gypsy

    A Special Request

    That would be awsome but would have no way to really do it. I really think there should be more for the younger kids. I mean white coat fear is a known thing and stuff like this really helps. I recently at a child in the hospital and when I went to visit him the nurses all asked me what I teach my kids because they were so shocked that he wasn't scared. In fact he was telling the doctors what they were doing and explaining it to them! ( Yes I gave myself a pat on the back for that one.) It would really be great if there was some sort of liason for EMS to kids. ( Come on if the police can have the DARE programs and such why don't we?) I have a totally seperate kit that is only for me to bring into my class for my kids. This kit has the basics: BP cuff, stethescope, 1 or 2 4x4 gause pads, some tape, gloves, and a pen light. I let my kids "play" with direct supervision with all of these things. Heck they all know the basics of how to take vitals at this point. hehe They don't get them right but that isn't the point. To me the point is that they aren't afraid of the tools. It's funny listening to them. One day the kids were playing and the "emt" was doing a SAMPLE on his friend. I had a hard time not laughing. I'm so proud of my kids. Now to get back on topic to this project: The kids will be making letters today for their first questions. Some of them are REALLY good. So please remember these are 4 and 5 year olds so you need to keep the answers basic and clean. Some of them are just cute. Would you guys like me to send them to all of you or would you rather have them be more personal?
  20. Gypsy

    A Special Request

    If I have you as a penpal please check your email! The first batch of children's greetings were sent out today at 1:30. The other class will be following shortly! The subject is hello from Mrs Beth's class.
  21. "Perlude 12/21" by AFV and "Airship Pirates" by Abney Park.
  22. Ya we went back and forth for maybe 2 minutes then I remembered, "oh ya you know this guy is nuts. That's why you go home and read and home school yourself." I just wanted to see if I was in the wrong and he really was right.
  23. THat is part of the "joy" of workig with kids. Pain becomes very generalized. They don't issolate it like we do. If their throat hurts they say the whole body but worse there. Actually alot of kids will say they neck hurts but point to their throat. Just to make it harder. lol
  24. I wasn't sure where to ask this but here looked good. Back in school my lecture instructor and I had a debate. He was saying if you have a child with a low grade fever, over all disconfort, and a sore throat to think it's spinal meningitis. I disagreed and said strep throat. Keep in mind I work in early childcare and have been in that field for close to 5 years now. I don't even want to begin to think of how many kids I"ve seen with strep that show those signs/symptoms. If you were presented with a child such as that which would you think?
  25. May I have an acucheck done please? You said there is wheezing. Is it audible or did we listen to breath sounds already with a stethesope?
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