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Everything posted by KeriEMTAZ

  1. Im sorry for bring it up here but I just dont have any idea. Guess it would be a good idea to let the dating thing sit on the back burner for awhile. I dont need another crap relationship. U guys are right. Will let it go.
  2. Thanks. Its been 16 years and really I was only 18 when I got married. I know stupid!! He was my first and only boyfriend. Never dated before. So honestly it sounds stupid but I have no clue how to date! I know these days there are tons of creepy people out there! Good idea on the background checks and stuff. Not sure about asking the Admins to create a new board for this. Keri
  3. I have been suffering with RA for 20 years now. Mine started 3 months after my only sibling brother was killed. My Dr said it was caused by stress and grief. I was for awhile taking Celebrex but cant anymore cause I had cancer last year which affected my kidneys. So Celebrex messes with the kidney's. I have heard using Glucosemin and Condrioition (sp?) but I havent really tried it. I am staying far far away from Humeria and those kind of drugs. One side affect is Lymphoma. Had that last year dont want it again! Going to the gym or with a trainer helps. Loosing weight (if needed) will do good on knees and hips. Heat also helps. I find that hot water works for my hands when my hands are stiff in the mornings. She could try parafin wax machines for her hands and feet. I have one and it helps relieve the pain for a time. Keri
  4. I am a newly divorced mother of two. I have thought about searching for relationships with others in the EMS field but dont know how to find them. What idea's do you all have?? Keri Bethard
  5. I am nearly done with my divorce. It will be finalized on Tuesday. I know that my job had nothing to do with my decision to file for divorce. My Ex is just a jerk! (putting it politely) KeriEMT
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