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Everything posted by okmedic

  1. Keep em coming guys, it's neat to see the wide variety of meds that services use in different areas.
  2. Congratulations!!! Now pass the CBT on your good to go!!!!!
  3. In my opinion, the medics in this video handled themselves really well. The one medic was speaking in a non-threatening voice trying to get the patient to relax and receive treatment. The only other option for the medics here is to get into a wrestling match with an intoxicated patient who obviously seemed to be riding the line of becoming combative.
  4. We sent a truck during Gustav, and we currently have a truck down there for Ike (from Oklahoma). We were actually contacted by AMR for Gustav. AMR apparently has a contract through FEMA to provide ems units for the storm, and they were subcontracting units for Gustav, I'm assuming they are doing the same for IKE. During Gustav, our unit was stationed at a command center in Alexandria along with about 600 units from across the nation (pretty much every state in the lower 48 had trucks there. I know that Philadelphia sent 60 trucks alone. But anyway assuming that Ike is ran the same as Gustav, AMR has the contract through FEMA, so anyone wanting to send units will probably need to contact AMR.
  5. Sorry to hear about your test Johntom. The best advise I can give you is read and reread your textbook. You can buy all the practice books and study reference you want, but it doesn't replace that textbook. Study up and get ready for that next exam. Good luck!!
  6. I actually jumped when the spider first jumped onto the screen! lol
  7. I've have worked at a few different places and everyone's drug bag has a few different drugs. Here is what the service I work for currently carries: Epi 1:10000 Epi 1:1000 Atropine Lidocaine Mag Calcium Cholride Verapamil Procainamide Sodium Bicarb D-50 Dopamine pre mix Lidocaine pre mix Narcan Diphenhydramine Furosemide Morphine Valium Demerol Nitro ASA Adenosine 6 and 12 Phenergan Albuterol
  8. The only time I use my pocket guide is to look-up a prescribed med if I haven't heard of it. All the other stuff you should already know.
  9. Yea, everywhere around here (Oklahoma) uses LP12, that is all i've ever used so I am comfortable with it.
  10. 2 ink pens 1 pair of shears 1 small notepad 1 ALS pocket guide 1 Cell phone 1 Portable radio
  11. Post your favorite field terminology here!!! I'll start...... GTO.............................Gomer Tipped Over FUBR...........................F***ed up beyond recongnition GO!!!
  12. Here is a little guide on how to post a screenshot in the forums... First go to www.imageshack.us By maymar at 2008-08-13 By maymar at 2008-08-13 By maymar at 2008-08-13 By maymar at 2008-08-13 By maymar at 2008-08-13 Done!!
  13. Keep fighting the good fight brother. Here in Oklahoma we face the same struggles in rural ems. Ems seems to be the step child of emergency services when it comes to funding, recognition, or just a simple thank you. I have struggled with our medical director and our EMS director numerous times about becoming a more progressive service and am usually blown off as being a nuisance. I think that the people that usually end up running small rural department (the good ole' hometown boys) get wrapped up in the "This is the way we've always done it" mentality.
  14. Hit the nail right on the head.
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