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    Where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain!
  • Interests
    Screwing the IAFF

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Every career/occupation/trade has its share of scumbags (except for the fire department :roll: ), EMS is no different. There does need to be some accountability to make sure these idiots get their licenses revoked and possible jail time.
  2. True story: While on deployment I stumbled upon a group of British soldiers playing a drinking game called "Poke the Brownie." This consisted of taking a shot of alcohol and then trying to plant your nose in the butt cheeks of you comrades ass. I never did understand the object of that game, don't believe they did either. Anyway, ever since then, I never underestimate the propensity of a bunch of drunken Brits. I do love the way they talk though!
  3. "The Fire Department had been looking to take over operation of the ambulance service to bring revenue into Taunton, and argued that they are usually the first at accident scenes, and their paramedics offer medical services already." This would consist of a NRB @ 25 lpm, usually put on backwards w/ the bag bouncing off the pt's head like a punching bag! not to mention their piss poor assessments, the standard 120/80 for BP (even without a pulse!), and the "hey guys, can we go ahead and go? we have a grass fire to take care of" bullsh!t. Just another attempt by fire to justify their numbers. Sorry water fairies, try elbowing out the sanitation department. I've heard you can modify a quint into a garbage truck just by adding a front-end loader. Maybe the IAFF will step in in help the city with the start-up costs. Those a-holes will do anything to increase their membership!
  4. "While [insert any fire-based EMS department] has made progress this year in reducing ambulance delays, emergency medical experts have raised questions about the quality of pre-hospital care delivered to patients." The news is that this is actually making news! San Francisco needs to throw in the towel. Focus on your strengths: fire suppression, fire safety, and brainwashing the public that you were sent here from heaven as a gift to all of us mortals, ensuring our safety from ruthless fire demons!
  5. Only if you wear a sweater vest over it, preferably cashmere.
  6. I've only been a medic for 5 years, so I don't have much to compare. I think the bar should be raised higher than its ever been, or should have been. I know there is a huge misconception the public has about EMS here in America. There have been several occasions where I have been very embarrassed to call myself a paramedic thanks to some of my sh!tbag colleagues. Anyway, the point I am trying to make is I don't know if professionalism in EMS was ever that great to begin with. I think there has always been issues with professionalism in EMS (as a whole). Was there ever a time when professionalism was gleaming in EMS?
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