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EMT City Administrator

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Everything posted by EMT City Administrator

  1. OK.. I feel stupid also.... after all these years, I did not put it together. Now my hats can fit.
  2. OK.. i step away for a few and this happens? LOCKED until I get a second to go and and clear out all the BS not on topic posts. Remember the rules people.. keep it in PM if you want to hash it out.
  3. You are more than welcome to put your updates about your updates in your blog available here.
  4. Thanks you for those kind words. It is actually the members here that make it happen. Without them, this site would be empty.
  5. It takes the RSS feed from the address above and puts it into the forum as posts. It is a feature of the software. We are now doing it with the MedicCast podcast site. His podcasts are syndicated here so you guys can listen to them and talk about them. http://www.emtcity.com/index.php?showforum=78 The same can be done on other sites with the appropriate script. EMT City has an RSS feed that can be put on other sites.
  6. If you have broadband you can use NextAlarm. They do not require a phone line and it is inexpensive. www.nextalarm.com
  7. The actual document has to be out there somewhere.
  8. Exactly... I am usually pretty good at the googles, but this one is hiding on me. Funny, since so many states use this standard still.
  9. That is the national curriculum. I am looking for the I/85 specific one.
  10. Anyone have the link for US Dept of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration EMT-Intermediate 1985 Curriculum?
  11. Hi there, Chat Membership is now renamed Premium Membership. Along with the chat, premium members will receive additional benefits outlined here: http://www.emtcity.com/index.php?act=paysubs&CODE=index Admin.
  12. Huh.. the merge worked. Welcome back brentoli.... (I am sure he lost his password..... awaiting email.) LOL
  13. Because of the change in post counts when we moved over here, I have change the minimum posts to 2000.
  14. I changed the 2500 to 2000. You will be moved the next time you post.
  15. Hello again, I first wanted to thank the majority that support the decision to put tighter controls on the chat room. I would also like to address the few out there that do not understand the rational and purpose of this. The chat room, like all chat rooms, has had problems since it was put in. Having it paid service and elite member service will prevent a lot of the problems. As far as the cost of the chat, it is only 5 cents per day. Less than a cup of coffee a month. It is only 19.99 per year. This is not a money making move. The money will offset the monthly cost of the chat room and may allow us to add additional chat features in the future. Take Care, Admin
  16. Hmm.. strange. I just did a recount after we set up the new groups. That could have done it. I don't see that occurring again.
  17. Hello Everyone, The chat room is now a premium service. You can get in one of two way. You can pay 19.99 (USD) for a one year access subscription. or If you have over 2500 2000 posts (Elite Member), you can get in without a subscription. The reasons for doing this are plenty, but I am sure the regular chatters can figure out why. If you have over 2500 2000 posts, and you are having a hard time getting in, the software will automatically put you in the "Elite Member" group the next time you post. I will address concerns about this policy change by PM only. Thanks for understanding.
  18. I just found this if you want to put it in your signature line. http://twitsig.com/
  19. Since the OP states he will no longer be posting, this thread is closed.
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