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EMT City Administrator

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Posts posted by EMT City Administrator

  1. WTF has this got to do with a EMS professional discussion forum....

    Umm... everything. It is in the "On The Personal Side" area. There is more to life than EMS and we have an area for EMS professionals to talk about these things.

    Reminder to everyone... There is a difference between spirited debate and personal attacks. The first is allowed, the second is not.

  2. and so it will start.

    It is a widely held opinions of many on this board that people should not be responding in their personal vehicles.

    if you are looking for wireless stuff for your department's vehicles then by all means ask away but many will tell you their thoughts on people responding in their personal vehicles to scenes.

    Umm.. no. This site does allow for that. There are many different aspects to our profession and part of it is the rural EMS responder. If this member of the site wants information about the tools of his trade, than we will allow it.

    The opinion of a few does not represent the widely held opinions of all.

  3. The ethical part can be discussed in the non Funny Stuff area. Since this is the Funny Stuff area, and has a warning attached to this area, the OP is OK posting it here. Not all humor is for everyone.

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