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Status Updates posted by maverick56

  1. The 4th of July - a time for people to reflect on their freedoms and our nation's hard won independence by drinking copious amounts of alcohol, blowing things up, trying bizarre stunts and driving various motor vehicles recklessly. 65 straight hours of holiday "fun" is enough for, time for beer, hot tub and my own bed.

  2. Ow. That is all.

  3. seriously sloooow shift! ahhhh

  4. I've got 14 months left and got recall orders. They wanted me to go to Haiti, but I just started paramedic school and don't want to start over. I'm appealing, but in the mean time, I'm in limbo - unattached to a unit at the local NG base. Just wondered if you had an experience with IRR.

  5. Got a letter first, about 10 days ago, and I have been hearing rumors for awhile thru the grapevine. Got actual orders on Wed, but only to report to AGR. I'm thinking WTF? My old unit just got home & the 1SGT's been working with me to get things straightened out. I have no intention of leaving school. Top says I should be fine.

  6. welcome to the site Farooq!

  7. Hey bro, welcome to the site. You mentioned that you're headed for the Stan soon. Haven't been there, but I did 2 tours in the shitbox. If there's anything I can do to help you out, just holler. :-)

  8. Thanks. It took over an hour, but it went relatively smoothly considering conditions. I seriously hope it snows this week though, ice sucks.

  9. my day off isn't that exciting. i have to drive 2hrs to go to some stupid orientation for my paramedic class (starts next week)

  10. send some snow this way, it's too icy around here

  11. thanks! looks like it'll be getting here sometime tomorrow afternoon

  12. Yes, they all are.

  13. Box it all up and send it my way! :-) We depend on it up here and it's been a dry month.

  14. I've always liked talking to the ceiling myself.

  15. Oh, how I wish I could! Haha. Should at least be a shorter day today.

  16. That is a great one.

  17. I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.

  18. I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.

  19. Letting 14 yr olds drive is a BAD idea. That is all.

  20. I smell of sweat and vomit. Hooray for ETOH runs. Now I do believe a shower is in order

  21. it's SHARK WEEK!

  22. Washed 4 trucks today, drove 1. Love being a probie, I swear. ;-)

  23. Looong day coming up tomorrow. Hopefully get a good night's sleep.

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