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  1. if it werent fo r"bosses" EMS might actually go somewhere
  2. EMS Recruiters are a good idea, as long as they are honest, and dont simply wave the glory flag. a good recruiter will discuss all the aspects of the career, not just the good stuff, but things like the continual boredome, and all that rot. Better than recruiters are providers who seek out those who they feel could do the job. I regularly asses people i meet, the main thing i look for is compassion, that and a little brain power and they will thrive in this proffession, Ive recruited dozens myself into classes, and for the most part, the classes have weeded out those i was wrong about. Keep a running list of who is putting on what classes where, the costs, the time commitments, so you can talk people into this. recruiters will only fill classes with bodies, providers can fill ambulances with EMTs
  3. You claim you are doing clinical trials, giving placebo meds, with a psychology proffessor? what agencies will be involved in this clinical study, how are you obtaining consent from the patients to be a part of this study, and what regulating agency has authorized this clinical trial?
  4. I do have one question to pose along with this regarding impairment. You speak of impairment, regardless of the cause, impairment is the issue, if you want to use safety as the argument. The flu.
  5. I have been lucky in that this has only happenned on two occasions and both people went in for a couple hours to sleep it off while I covered their shifts. sometimes people dont realize how bad of shape they are in unless someone tells them. Now had these people refused to go home, I would first talk to their partner for the day to see whether they are willing to accept the liability this persons poses, as well as to get a second opinion. If at that time the partner thinks they should go home and they refuse, youre without an option but to contact a supervisor and put it in their hands. You might lose a friend, but you wont put the public at risk.
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