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Just Plain Ruff

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Status Updates posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. forget the people of walmart, go to the customer service center at Comcast cable.

  2. Fox sports network apparantly is so choppy tonight that the game isn't enjoyable.

  3. Funniest email addresses youve ever seen? GO!!!!!

  4. Get your pitchforks and clubs out...arkansas just signed the same religious freedom law that indiana did. Gov of ark said he would sign it. Why arent we up in arms over the kansas and missouri and illinois versions of these laws which i believe i read are nearly identical as well?

  5. Going to make Liam's Costume this weekend. Think Tron.

    1. Happiness


      I saw a costume of a little boy in a transformer made out of cardboard and when he curled up turned into a pick up truck, it was cool

  6. Gonna be a very very long night for ferguson mo tonight.

  7. Good thanksgiving with the fam but would have been bettet if "hubert" the headache hadnt made his daily appearance. 15days straight hes appeared. Go home hubert.

    1. spenac


      Theres meds for your imaginary friends you know.

  8. Gosh Darnit LInked in. Respect my email requests - stop sending me emails from groups that I've left. Jeesh.

  9. Gosh this chiefs team sucks. Another interception thrown. I see another touchdown in the Bills future.

  10. Got a lot of work done this AM, My daughter fell asleep on my chest, she's napping now, Jenny is at work and I had a great lunch and during lunch I saw one of my favorite NCIS episodes. Now back to work to finish out what was promised.

  11. Got to sports clips at the right time. Five people showed up behind me. Yay, Im first though.

  12. Gotta love security at Atlantas airport. Door alarm has been going off for the last 5 mins. Let's hope that no one with ulterior bad motives went through the door.

  13. Great run tonight. 0.8 mile run then 5 min walk then another 0.8 mile run. Friday has me running 1 mile then 5 min walk then a mile again.

  14. Guess who gets the new galaxy S6 phones friday?

  15. Guy checking IDs was a real asshole today. Rude to everyone. Discussed his attitude with his boss as did the majority of people he pissed off. He was moved to a less assholish position.

  16. Happy birthday to my beautiful girl. Even though I was in florida all day and then on a plane I didn't forget. Can't wait for dinner Friday night. Party Saturday at 3.

  17. Has anyone used the rack workout system? Im looking to maybe get it but want to be sure it works.

  18. Hatfields and Mccoys is on, History Channel

  19. Have no fear baltimore, sharpton is on the way.

  20. Have we hit the time where we are debated out? I can think of at least 6 republican debates already. I think I'm debated out.

    1. Reaver


      who ever we get is just gonna be a puppet anyway.

  21. Havent seen many good commercials yet

  22. He pulled a brian williams. Does this mean 6 months suspension?

  23. Heard a song from casting crowns today and I could have sworn one of the lyrics was "we were made to be cremated" but listening further its actually. Created not cremated. I need to check my sugar I guess.

    1. snoopy911


      its ok, you know the song that goes worthy is the lamb, worthy is the lamb, you are worthy. I used to think it was wooly is the lamb, when i was a kid. my mom noticed me singing it one day and cracked up

  24. here is something to make you feel insignificant. If someone is looking at our solar system from the nearest galaxy from the milky way, You and I are dead. The light that they are seeing is many many thousands of years old which would make you and I already dead. Sort of humbling isn't it?

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