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Just Plain Ruff

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Posts posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. Here's one to think on, If we are going not going to mandate helmets, let's mandate organ donation laws. That way when the moron on the bike who didn't wear a helmet crashes and dies then we can pare down our long list of organ donation recipients.

    no helmet laws + mandatory organ donation = more transplants

  2. Not to beat a dead horse but the last 3 jobs I've held paid nearly 40-60K a year depending on overtime and on call pay.

    I'm a full time consultant now so I make significantly more but if I were to want to return to EMS then I'd drop back to the last service I worked for.

  3. I was thinking the same thing but going a little further, I've seen patients that old how have a urinary infection and became septic. Had one present this way a year or so ago

    The other thought would be diverticulitis that might have perforated her bowel?

  4. This is really frightening. EMT-J next thing we'll have is EMT-K (for kaopectate) EMT-L for Lidocaine, EMT-v for versed do you get the idea???

    This is also one of the key reasons that we are not respected as a profession. We keep adding -X's but we can't get the original two correct(emt-b and EMT-P). I think we need to concentrate on getting the basics correct instead of making up and adding so many additional certifications/licensure.

  5. I took one of the inaugural classes of the 12 lead program based on Dales book. As a class member we were able to send the book to Dale and he autographed it. I will cherish that book forever as it is a very personal and wonderful message he scribed in the book.

    That would be the first book Id recommend.

    there is another book by a woman cannot remember the name but it is by far the most thorough and indepth book on cardiology geared towards paramedics and nurses that I've found.

  6. WOW there's nothing else I can provide except that I've been in your situation before, I took a 4 week vacation to Australia and travelled the OUtback. Did a lot of thinking and came back with a new perspective.

    I think you need to get some counseling or EAP assistance. If your agency doesnt have one then you might be able to use the local hospitals EAP if they have one. You might need to pay for it but right now you sound at your end and that is not a good place to be.

    Be safe and good luck.

  7. Electrical problems there aint no stinkin electrical problems on hortons. HA HA

    WE had a horton that was in the shop more that it was on the road. Usually the control module.

    Had smoke in the ambulance on a cardiac transfer that we had to call another service in to transport cause we were 80 miles away from our base.

    So if you have the ability to spec ambulances and work on the bidding then I suggest an alternate provider of your ambulances.

  8. First off stop internalizing about something you cannot control nor will be able to control with all the education in the world.

    You cannot get upset over something that has been going on since I have been a medic and it was around long before I became a medic and that was in 1992.

    it's been around forever, back in the 1800's people couldn't pay their bills so they paid with a chicken or a pig or the doctor relied on the goodness of the community to pay for his services. If one person couldn't pay then the whole community would band together and pay the doctor in some fashion - sounds like the early version of medicaid or public assistance

    In the 1900's we began to see charities and public entities running hospitals and they didn't get paid very often. They usually relied on the goodness of strangers and people who supported their hospitals. It was a community thing again like the 1800's

    Pre-1800 most people either suffered thru the sickness or they died.

    The problems continued thruout the 1900s up to this day.

    So you see the problem has been around for hundreds of years but it has just received much more press and more notice like you and me.

    I agree there has to be more education in the schools, more education all together. There is no easy fix to this, there is also no way around the fact that we have the drains on the system that you so aptly pointed out in your original post.

  9. Just be glad no-one was hurt and that he wasn't out for trouble. Sounds like a routine call and one that you would not routinely search for a gun or any type of weapon.

    This is one thing that you can put in your little toolbox of things to be careful of in the future.

    I hope this doesn't happen again but just one to be looking for in the future.

  10. I am sure that this has been covered but for the original poster, you ever seen narcan given to someone and after they come awake they kick the crap out of the medic for taking away the high they just spent their last 5 bucks to get. I've been that medic and boy did I hurt after the beating I got. I vowed from then on out that I would only bring the patient to a less than verbal response

    Plus why give Narcan when all they are is out of it. If they stop breathing tube em, if they sieze, valium them if they get violent while overdosed restrain them.

    Why take on the added headache, back ache, rib pain and stomach pain from getting your teeth knocked in just to wake them up.

  11. I'm over it Craig, no harm done.

    I've never stolen anything from a patient in my life and would never consider it so I got a little upset over the commercial and brought it here. If they want to portray our profession as theives so be it. they can do that , that is why our country is so great. I know that my professional career is above reproach so I'm over it, actually I was over it as soon as I sent the email.

    It's all good thanks for the reply.

  12. Like I said, most of my experience is rural but I have urban experience too. At 3am in a small town of 5800 there might be 5 cars on the street at a single time and 1 of those is the ambulance, 1 is the police department, 1 is the fire truck and 1 is the sheriff. The other is the local drunk driving home from the bar.

    That's an exageration but many small towns roll up their sidewalks at 8pm

    so I hear what your saying Asys good reasoning but busy streets at 3am should have the L&S on to be safe.

    Just my .02

  13. I just saw a 2nd commercial on this camera They have this thieving theme goin on.

    It has a little girl put some type of glove or soemthing on and she breaks a display window that is protecting the camera in a display case. She steals the camera and that's it.

    They must really think this camera is something for people to be stealing it.

    I've sent my email and I'm done with it.

  14. Craig, back off.

    YOu are accusing me of stealing something in the past. I have never done so.

    You are making broad generalizations about me that you have no right to make.

    I don't come here and personally attack you so I expect the same consideration from you.

    Yes its a commercial but it still made me mad.

    Am I going to go out and do something rash, NO I'm going to send a polite email to Olympus expressing my disapproval and leave it at that.

    Yes it made me mad, I'm sure that you have been made mad due to a commercial or something you have seen on tv.

    It makes our profession look bad and that is unacceptable to me. We spend so much time trying to get a professional image and one commercial can blow it.

    So before you come here making personal attacks on me think again.

  15. Was working with a Male nurse one night in the ER. We were getting ready to put a huge stomach pumping tube down this girls throat and she asked

    "Is it like a B)(*)J0b????" and the male nurse said "Yes I'm afraid it is"

    Funny thing was that this Nurse is a straight male nurse.

    He turned beat red and to this day has never lived it down.

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