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Just Plain Ruff

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Everything posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. Then go to bed Kiwi. Might some of your fuddlement be caused by your being awake at 4am? You might think more clearly if you got more sleep.
  2. Is she on Metformin perhaps? Might she just had to have to have gone crap? Sometimes there are just times that I have to just go. No rhyme or reason folks. There are just times when you gotta go. And seriously, do you need to call an ambulance for those times? But she felt the need so we are here so carry on. But the dizziness could just be the post strain vagal response. I'd transport the nice lady to the ER. IV and monitor and watch her. There is an underlying etiology that there is no way that we are going to catch so let's let the big guns in the hospital watch her overnight and do serial cardiac markers. Maybe do a cardiac stress test and whatever else they do. she definatley does not warrant going to a small hospitla that cannot do the cardiac workup. She needs a facility that can work her up for a cardiac/neuro workup. Wish her well and call her in a week and see what the find out. She might need a holter monitor as well to see what they can find for a 24 hour period as well.
  3. I think that this has been discussed in the past. A dedicated forum for patch collectors might be a good idea. In my many years here this has been an idea that has come and gone and it has never gotten much traction. Maybe it will get more attention this time. ONly time will tell.
  4. I know this has been tried before. You might want to get your hands on a year or two old copy of Jems Gold edition. They used to do all this for you. It was a plethora of info for you. here's Missouri http://health.mo.gov/safety/ems/ Here's Kansas https://www.accesskansas.org/ssrv-ksbemsRenew/index.do
  5. Ok now I'm really frustrated.

  6. ok, let's ask this question. When were the first EMS crews allowed in the scene? How many minutes from when the call came in to when the scene was deemed clear for EMS To enter???? was it 5 minutes? was it 10 minutes? Let's remember before we pass any judgement here that this was a mass cassualty scene and we had a shooter or shooters. I'd like to know just how many minutes it took for law enforcement to allow EMS to enter the building.
  7. So google free highspeed internet isn't so free afterall. to get the free internet they are offering it's going to cost 300.00 to get it installed as an up front cost all at once or you can pay 25.00 a month for one year. Or you can pay 75.00 per month for higher speed or 125 per month. So it's not really free until a year after you get it. So much for it being completely free.

  8. No they do not have emergency vehicle status, they think they do and they often when they get in their ZONE(think sarcasm) cause some sort of traffic accident. They are not all like the crazy idiots in Twister or what you see in the WEather channel where they get all crazy or bugged out when the big tornado comes at em and they go all buggy and goo goo eyed. Most chasers, sanctioned by universities don't act like idiots. But it's not those that are the ones who get all willy nilly and get a TV show. Plus it's not those who get sucked up in the vortex of the Dorothy tornadoes. The ones who get all buggered up by the hail and the tornadoes are the ones who don't have a clue what to really look out for in these super dangerous storms and they are the ones who are copy catting the real professional chasers and they are the ones who get hurt, maimed or killed. They are the ones who hunker down in their cars when the tornado gets too close because they didn't have an exit strategy when mr f5 gets too close and their car goes skttering across the highway and comes face to face with the tree lines. Thay are the ones who we see in the ER with multiple lacerations when the windows blow out because they stayed a little too long in the storm and the hail came out and busted their windows out and they realized that glass does cut their face. It's the amateurs we have to worry about mainly. At least the pros most of the time have the sense to come in when it's getting to dangerous. WEll most of the time. Tell that to Carey Elwes character in Twister. He hit the ground pretty hard.
  9. This link was posted to a hospital group that I belong to on LInked in. Ken Grauer who many may know of or may know personally is who put this together. I fully reference this link to this original Linked in page http://www.linkedin.com/groupAnswers?viewQuestionAndAnswers=&discussionID=137460708&gid=73402&trk=eml-anet_dig-b_nd-pst_ttle-cn&ut=0qQUpe8q1fE5k1 The original webpage that I referenced the info from is here https://www.kg-ekgpress.com/ecg_-_coronary_anatomy-mi_localization/ which I believe is Ken's own website. At the bottom of the website there is this note "Hope this material is helpful. I welcome your feedback" There are helpful emails and websites to contact Ken. I would urge you if you found this helpful that you support his work. Hope this information is helpful.
  10. Ok, I'm about sick and tired of this Chik Fil A scandal(it isn't one), the posts from one person about Jim Oden (16 in one day), all the political ads from a couple of the places that I supposedly clicked on that (thought) I liked so what I'm going to do tonight is I'm going to clean out my friends list. Sorry but this is way too much noise and disinformation for me. IT's time for a semi-annual friends list purge. But this time it's a negative vibration purge. No more negative vibrat...

  11. HUH???? Well folks, I got a ppd a number of years ago and my conversion reaction was massive. I was on antibiotics for 8 months and can't take the PPD test and have to take a chest x-ray. Take the test or don't. Your choice. Make a stand or don't. Every agency I've ever worked for requires it.
  12. Its story time at the cass county library. Time for the headphones. 35 screaming children for one hour. joy joy joy

  13. My son wants to know where he can get a good hunk of Haggis in Kansas City??? and YES he knows what it is.

  14. There was no doubt in my mind that you would not become a medic. The flight was an honor to provide. I'm glad you got so much out of the CAP lab. Now it's up to you to take what you learned in medic school, in the lab and use it to the best of your ability to provide the best care you can. And whatever that drunken fool Dwayne told you when he was so shitfaced that he kept falling down in that Irish pub that Doc took you to, take everything he told you, dust that off and throw it away, far far away and keep it there for the one night when everything you try doesn't work and then reel it back in and then and only then use that pearl of wisdom to get yourself out of the jam you got yourself in and swear to me in front of the EMS god that you will never ever ever ever do what you did to get yourself into that situation again. OK????????????????????????????? Nuff said. Congrats.
  15. He could ride but not drive Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2 This was also many many years ago. when I was first starting out in medic school. I believe the rules have since been amended. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  16. 2 years ago Had a similar situation. 43 year old male patient, rib cage pain. pain on ispiration, also had a fever. He refused transport. He was found dead 8 hours later. Autopsy showed massive MI. I'm waiting to get sued on this one. He adamately refused no matter what I tried to do to get him to go in. His wife tried to get him to go, his kids did to. NOTHING we did to convince him to go made any difference to him. He just refused. I told him that I would just go up the street and wait because sooner or later he was going to crash and code on us and then I could come back and drag his butt to the hospital. But he lasted till after my shift ended. I documented the hell out of this one. I told him that I thought it was his heart and the EKG showed to me that he probably was having a heart attack. He denied the fact. You can't make em go. No matter what you try to do.
  17. I don't know dfib, I know several 16 year old emt's who could feasibly start their medic classes at 16 as well, then test out for medic at 18 and be on the road as a medic at 18. It could be done.
  18. You might also want to contact Washington University in St Louis, Last time I checked which was I admit a long time ago, they had a student run EMS system, and I don't know if they have it anymore. They may have gotten rid of it. But they ran a pretty good tight ship back then.
  19. Public Defenders dream job, defending a mass murderer and mass shooter. If she get's him acquitted then she can write her own ticket to any lawfirm in the USA. What a deal. But can you imagine the stress she's dealing with.

    1. scubanurse


      The head PD is defending him... he just wasn't the one at the hearing today since it was delayed to next week anyways.

  20. Does anyone else have a issue with a 59 year old lady playing a young boy who refuses to grow up?

  21. True on the fructosamine. The urgent care doc should not have been so quick to diagnose her as diabetic without a second a1c unless he had seen her one time before and had done a previous a1c. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  22. Katarina got to try cheerios for the first time the other night. They are like catnip to her. She gets done with one and just demands the next one. I think we found her favorite food.

  23. Went to see Brave today. Found this to probably my favorite movie I have seen this year or perhaps in the past several years. I found myself even crying in this movie and I very rarely cry in movies. I waited a long time to see this movie and I was NOT disappointed. To say I loved the movie might be an understatement. I had a great time with Liam. I highly recommend this movie to anyone except children 6 or younger.

  24. She needs to get with a endocrinologist. my a1c was 7.2and they put me on metformin. Why take the word of a doc at an urgent care when that doc is not her normal doc is what is my question. She needs to follow up with either her family doc or a endocrinologist. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  25. What makes someone do something like this? Surely we will be finding more out about this over the next coming weeks but as weve already seen, the media already has their theories. Prayers and thoughts to everyone involved. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
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