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Everything posted by Arkymedic

  1. I agree. Personally looking at the big picture a saline lock is one of the last things to worry about especially for 1st Responder agencies. So you place a heplock and then what? Heplock is going to save maybe 2-5 min? If it is a critical pt then its ABCs and IV later. As a 1st Responder agency you cannot perform any IV meds so what would be the value to ALS but especially the patient? If its a code the CPR and bagging is the primary focus. If it's trauma a heplock is useless as well without fluid. With AMS, Altered LOC, Diabetics, etc this has minimal value. The promise that was made that it is only going to be "experience" providers starting them is discrimination and individual protocols as well. If I joined your squad and was a new EMT-I, EMT-IV, or RN you are going to tell me that I can not start a heplock but you and your other squad member can? I do not think so. I think the EMS office in KS was a little off the path here... This is just my personal opinion though.
  2. Most places it is a semester but what we are saying is even a semester is pitiful. Many would like to see EMT be an Associates and Paramedic being a BS.
  3. Hey medic_girl I am not trying to be mean here or anything, however I would strongly suggest that you check your posts with spellcheck. Grammar is one of those things that is severely lacking in our profession and a LOT of people on forums are very touchy about it as it makes posts hard and sometimes unbearable to read. Just think of this as a friendly heads up.
  4. I thought that everyone was suppose to have switched to CBT by now...
  5. Wyatt Earp Dennis Quaid *Doc Holiday* All of you can kiss my rebel dick. What is wrong with me? What have you got? I am dying of tuberculosis. I sleep with the nastiest whore in Kansas. Everyone who knows me hates me, and every morning I wake up surprised that I have to spend another day in this piss-hole world. (To onlookers) All you can kiss my rebel dick! Dave Rutabaugh is an ignorant scoundrel! I disapprove of his very existence. I considered ending it myself on several occasions but self-control got the better of me. Warren Earp: Wyatt, you're still a marshal around here, aren't you? Doc Holliday: Sure. But now he's going to be a marshal and an outlaw. Best of both worlds, son. Doc Holliday: (to Wyatt) Have you ever wondered why you and I have been part of so many unfortunate incidents, but are still here? I have figured it out. It's nothing much, just luck. I wake up every day looking at Death, and you know what? He ain't half bad. I think the secret old Mr. Death is hiding is that for some of us, it's better on the other side. I know it can't be any worse for me. Maybe that's the place for your Maddie. Wyatt, for some of us, this world ain't ever gonna be right. Wyatt Earp: [blocking the advance of gun-toting ranchhands into Dodge] I am Wyatt Earp! Gun-toting Ranchhand #1: Who the *fuck* is Wyatt Earp? Gun-toting Ranchhand #2: I expect he's just some asshole! Warren Earp: He's the asshole who enforces the law in Dodge City!
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