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Everything posted by WANTYNU

  1. I sorry, but who gave you permission to have one of those? Huh? I'm afraid sir you'll have to return it right away. See the EMT City QuaterMaster and please make sure it's back in its orginal packaging. Thank you. -w
  2. Allllll Righty then, hummm, do you feel better now? :roll: -w
  3. that's OK.... calcaneovalgocavus
  4. Vent, Excellent post, I was going to add a little bit on possible exposure and incubation times, as just because you were in the same space with an infected patient does not mean you had a likely hood of transmission. I remember reading (somewhere) that you needed to be in close proximity for over 8 hours before you were in danger of contamination with a TB Pos patient. Remember the guy who traveled by plane recently? Many scared people none infected…. But here’s the rub, it’s a little like the lottery, the vast majority of the time, your numbers are not even close, but all you need is that one in a million, and bang, your life is changed forever, so why not reduce the risk whenever you can. Paranoid? Sure, but better safe than sorry. As was said, we can greatly reduce our risk of exposure, and as importantly, for our trusting patients by following some straight forward practices. Keep your bus clean (including the FRONT {Steering wheel, knobs, radio mike, etc}), after a transport use fresh sheets AFTER wiping all exposed surfaces down with an approved antimicrobial agent. Hospital floors are DIRTY, there is no “three second rule” ANYTIME, if you drop anything on the floor, throw it out or clean it before use, never, never, never, I repeat never use (reuse) anything that has touched another patient. Our patients trust us to do the best we can for them, let’s not betray that trust by infecting them when they have no control to protect themselves. Wash your hands frequently. And from a previous post, YES the hand sanitizers really do work, and are mandatory in all NYC hospitals. Be Safe, WANTYNU
  5. YOU ARE 16% WHACKER!!! NOT AN OUNCE OF WHACKER IN YOU. A LITTLE WHACKING IS FUN, TRY IT SOMETIME!!! BUY A BLUE LIGHT, OR PUT AN EMT STICKER ON YOUR CAR. YOU NEED MORE WHACKING IN YOUR LIFE. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Actually I think I’m more than that, but the questions are skewed, I work full time and volunteer, so I have lights and plates on my POV, and most of the tee shirts I have are duty related (although a bunch are from shows). I don’t like a big duty belt, but do wear one when needed. I don’t have a $500 Littman, but do have a $150 amplified scope (I’m old and deaf), a do need to hear the difference between Rales; Rhonchi; Stridor; Wheezing. For crying out loud, I invented an O2 wrench…. If I was going to spend my time on money on something, could I have picked a SMALLER market??? By many on this site from what I’ve read through previous discussions I have well met the classification of WHACKER… This probably needs a recount! But I won’t lose any sleep over it. Be Safe, WANTYNU
  6. Capt, First in my eyes you are making a contribution, you post. As far as being beaten up, we all have our scars, and if you don’t well you’re not trying. I agree, we need to support any ACTIVE forum of communication, an adage coined by Edward Bulwer-Lytton “The Pen is mightier than the sword” is saying in essence the sharing of ideas has more power to foster change then any war can. We are lucky we have a (fairly) open society with the right of free speech and the internet to share ideas, in the turn of the last century some groups were forced to meet in secret under threat of bodily harm in order to share ideas. There have been many threads dedicated to the problems with and within EMS, it is a good thing you recognize how lucky you are to have a place to share ideas and learn, and a better thing that you wish to support its continuance. Don’t worry about being liked or disliked by others on this forum, we after all constitute a large variance of experience and maturity, some criticize based on ignorance, most others have a valid point of view, you only need to listen unemotionally to filter out the nonproductive nonsense. Remember “what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger” and “sticks and stones may break your bones, but names will never harm you”. In other words, don’t worry, keep posting! As Always IMHO Be Safe, WANTYNU
  7. In the business world we call it sweat equity, (well we also say cash is king), but if you don’t have the Benjamin’s (or Lincoln’s for that matter) there are many ways to contribute, and the time you spend posting on the site is one of them. You can also buy an O2 wrench…. Ok I’m kidding, No I’m not. :shock: Yes, I’m really kidding. :roll: :wink: Truly, staying active on the site, is real way to keep things going. If you like what you see, make it known, if you don’t, make it known, but either way, post, and keep the site active. Hey as always IMHO Be safe, WANTYNU
  8. There is no doubt you can get something for nothing. The question is how much better it is when you actually contribute…. -w
  9. Capt, A couple of things you and folks who read this can do to support the site and find and support those who do is: Anyone who has donated cash above $50 gets a “Sponsor” by their name, you make a donation. Some of the folks like myself, who have commercial sites also have an “EMT CITY” button on their site that directs traffic and new users to EMT CITY (it also helps with EMT CITY’s ranking in the search engines (Google, Yahoo, etc), you can find them on EMT CITY’s home page under “EMS TOP SITES”. You make a great point to paraphrase “We’re all in this together, united we stand, divided we fall.” Good post, Be Safe WANTYNU
  10. Naw it must have been a conditions boss out of da Bronx.... -w
  11. 4 or 5 post more an it starts to get hard.... :twisted:
  12. The last post should have started with an "N" the last letter of "INN", but lets continue anyway, as these are the softballs. -w Relay
  13. Essential vocabulary additions for the workplace (and elsewhere)! 1. BLAMESTORMING: Sitting around in a group, discussing why a deadline was missed or a project failed, and who was responsible. 2. SEAGULL MANAGER: A manager, who flies in, makes a lot of noise, craps on everything, and then leaves. 3. ASSMOSIS: The process by which some people seem to absorb success and advancement by kissing up to the boss rather than working hard 4. SALMON DAY: The experience of spending an entire day swimming upstream only to get screwed and die in the end. 5. CUBE FARM: An office filled with cubicles. 6. PRAIRIE DOGGING: When someone yells or drops something loudly in a cube farm, and people's heads pop up over the walls to see what's going on. 7. MOUSE POTATO: The on-line, wired generation's answer to the couch potato. 8. SITCOMs: Single Income, Two Children, Oppressive Mortgage. What Yuppies get into when they have children and one of them stops working to stay home with the kids. 9. STRESS PUPPY: A person who seems to thrive on being stressed out and whiny. 10. SWIPEOUT: An ATM or credit card that has been rendered useless because magnetic strip is worn away from extensive use. 11. XEROX SUBSIDY: Euphemism for swiping free photocopies from one's workplace. 12. IRRITAINMENT: 1: Entertainment and media spectacles that are Annoying but you find yourself unable to stop watching them. 13. PERCUSSIVE MAINTENANCE: The fine art of whacking the crap out of an electronic device to get it to work again. 14. ADMINISPHERE: The rarefied organizational layers beginning just above the rank and file. Decisions that fall from the adminisphere are often profoundly inappropriate or irrelevant to the problems they were designed to solve. 15. 404: Someone who's clueless. From the World Wide Web error Message "404 Not Found," meaning that the requested site could not be located. 16. GENERICA: Features of the American landscape that are exactly the same no matter where one is, such as fast food joints, strip malls, and subdivisions. 17. OHNOSECOND: That minuscule fraction of time in which you realize that you've just made a BIG mistake. (Like after hitting send on an email by mistake). 18. WOOFS: Well-Off Older Folks. 19. CROP DUSTING: Surreptitiously passing gas while passing through a Cube Farm. Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. Albert Einstein, Be Safe, WANTYNU
  14. OK so the “new game” that had each new post start with the last letter of the old post is good, but here is a game that should present more of a challenge to our vocabulary enriched folks…. Same rules as before, with one exception each word must be longer then the last, but by no more than TWO charters, and not less in length then the preceding word. (Still starting with the last letter of the word before). And only for two posts. As an example CAT (3 letters) would be followed by TEN (3 letters) or TENT (4) or TRAIN (5 letters) but not TONGUE (6). The word after TEN could be TONS, (4) but not TON (3), since we had two posts with the same number of letters, next post MUST BE AT LEAST 4 LETTERS WITH THE WORD AFTER THAT BEING AT LEAST 5 LETTERS (you only get one repeat in length so the next word has to be longer than TONS and start with and “S”). So here is your first word: >>>>> “I” <<<<<< (So the next word must begin with the letter I, and be one or two letters long) Have fun! WANTYNU
  15. All I can say, and I've said it before, is quality costs. You can add up all you've spent on buying stuff that breaks, or put it towards something that won't. To me its a no brainer, but it's your choice (with really no down side). -w

    Tongue Twister

    Then you must know ........... the guy lying by the door......... Mat..

    Tongue Twister

    Is that like humor in jugular vein? Well ALLLL RIGHTY THEN!!!! What’s the name of the guy whose body is floating in the water? Bob

    Tongue Twister

    Awhhh come on, I bet you have a really bad joke somewhere in that inventory of yours.... -w
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